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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Did anyone splurge out last night for shrove/pancake Tuesday?

I made some lovely crepes and sprinkled them with sugar. Mmmmmm

Bad diabetic! 😛

I did cheese n ham pancakes for dinner. Was going to do sugar & lemon for pud but we were too stuffed! :D

I also am a bad diabetic 😉
Haha... Yes! And in fact I do every weekend - pancakes are my favourite 🙂 I found though that making them with white flour gave me a HUGE spike, so now I make them with wholemeal flour, eat them with lemon and sugar (about 2tsp altogether) and I've found I need about 6 units to cover each one. But practise makes perfect, I no longer feel guilty!! 🙂
Yup made some for my son he had 1 sweet one with toffee sauce and the rest savoury with lemon juice , i had a half of one and loved it
I only had one, but it was a good one! Chocolate spread and banana 🙂
I had pancakes but I had them plain, I am having them again on Friday when one of my friends comes over and I am going to have a little maple syrup on them ...
Pancakes? Yes, love 'em. Had 2 large ones last night with lemon and a few currants. Made sure i only had salad for tea to start, so, didn't give my injection till after i'd eaten that first . Had the pancakes for pud.
I could go on and on about them for ages. Hope you all enjoyed yours:D
I had cheese onion and bacon pancackes yum
Had mine with sugar and lemon. I used to make vege and cheese ones for my neighbour and she woud heat them in her microwave for a couple of days.
Lemon juice is good on pancakes as it helps lower the GI.

I like them with lemon juice but when I checked my bottle of juice it was BBE Oct 2009.. I had been in town as well and could have bought a lemon but thought oh I have lemon juice at home !!! lol
I like them with lemon juice but when I checked my bottle of juice it was BBE Oct 2009.. I had been in town as well and could have bought a lemon but thought oh I have lemon juice at home !!! lol

If it's a BBE date, then it usually lasts long beyond that date. BBE dates are more for supermarket stock control purposes than any danger from consumption.
We had mushroom, ricotta and spinach for starters, followed by one nutella and one lemon and sugar. I over dosed on the insulin v slightly but not too bad, and they were so yummy.
If it's a BBE date, then it usually lasts long beyond that date. BBE dates are more for supermarket stock control purposes than any danger from consumption.

Its like water that is advertise by "being filtered throuh rock for thousands of years.... best before June 2011" lol!!
i made indian pancakes chappatis for the first time and they were a success and DEAD easy xxx son still wants some so tomorrow i think it will be nutella and banana for him for brekfast...once ive walked the dogs and gone shopping os it maybe more like lunch !!!:D
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