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pancake tuesday!


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!
Silly question time!
As its pancake tuesday this week - can anyone tell me how to work out the carbs for them? When i make them,they are always different thicknesses etc. Is it by the ladle full or per pancake? :)Bev
I find that if I use a ladle, then the same amount of batter goes into the pan each time - it's the total volume / weight of batter that matters, rather than the thickness. I then try to estimate how many pancakes from the total amount of batter - and then have insulin afterwards for the amount I've eaten, taking into account honey, sugar etc. It's only once a year, so I'm not going to miss out! By the way, I also find the batter is better if I make it a day earlier and keep the measuring jug in the fridge for 24 hours, with just a quick stir before using - no idea why, but it does seem better that way!
I work it out by working out the total number of carbs in the entire mix, dividing by number of pancakes that makes then multiplying by how many I'm eating
I guess if you bought the pancake mix then it would have the carb content on the packaging - could be easier.

I'm not going to worry about my BG levels too much, it's my birthday tuesday aswell :D Not looking forward to being 23 though, I want to be 21 again!
pancake tuesday

I was thinking the same other day , my kids go back to school tuesday so least i wont be at home making pancakes for them all day :), i was wondering if i was allowed to have 1 at least , but like sum1 said i suppose if i buy the mix it will tell me on there carbs etc etc , I aint to sure on oil in the pan tho , does it need the oil??
Wow. What a great grub period!!! National chip week, so I had a rare but superb treat of a jumbo cod in batter and chips.

Went away for a four day mini holiday - hotel grub but within my diet pattern (no porridge tho)

A friend's Birthday today with a super buffet lunch.

A celebration lunch tomorrow and pancakes on Tuesday.

Believe it or not, except for one blip up to 10.7mmol/L all bs have been 3.7 - 8.5

I didn't see copecods - battered or otherwise - on tommorow's menu so shall settle for king prawns and langoustines with minted potaoes and green veg.
Damn. Just drooled on the keyboard.
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I've never eaten copepods or copecods, either - best wait for krill to eat plankton, then larger things to eat krill eg ice fish.

Not sure why everyone seems to be rushing for pancake mixes, though - it's easy enough to weigh some flour into a measuring jug, add eggs and then add milk and / or water, and that's it. Plus it's easy to note the total volume and work out the volume in each ladle.
As an example of batter recipe for pancakes, see http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/pancakebatter_13556.shtml 120g / 4oz plain flour (but I have used self raising, if that's all we have, with no problems), pinch of salt (but can omit), 2 eggs (will have to be chicken eggs, unless our ducks get into action), 210ml / 7 fl oz milk, 90ml / 3 fl oz water, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. Use a non stick pan, then you don't need much extra oil / fat for cooking. However, as I haven't got a food content book to hand, can't give the carbohydrate content of flour or milk here - and all the online ones that show up via Google are American, using cups instead of grams / ounces.
I always use self raising flour, makes better pancakes. As I make them for all the family and try to include hubby I use water or soya milk which makes a difference to the carbs.

You don't have to use oil, I use a little olive spread. The lower the fat in the spread (as a general rule of thumb), the more water it has. You can also add a little oil (maximum I think is a teaspoon) to the mixture if you want. There is then no need to oil the pan
Im gonna go to my mums and have em like i do every year wi orange and syrup!! I'll try to work it out but if I get it wrong for one day then stuff it! Its only one day a year and im not missin out especially when my sister and her boyfriend are travellin 50 miles to come for em!!

Sorry if I sound like a bad diabetic but ive tried to be so good everyday since diagnosis and for one day im gonna be naughty!!!!
Im gonna go to my mums and have em like i do every year wi orange and syrup!! I'll try to work it out but if I get it wrong for one day then stuff it! Its only one day a year and im not missin out especially when my sister and her boyfriend are travellin 50 miles to come for em!!

Sorry if I sound like a bad diabetic but ive tried to be so good everyday since diagnosis and for one day im gonna be naughty!!!!

I think we'd all go mad if we didn't indulge ourselves from time to time! I think as long as you're roughly in the ballpark with the insulin (if you're lucky enough to be able to take it at times like these), then no problem - you can always correct later with jelly babies/more insulin!

I appreciate that it must be far less straightforward if you can't adjust like this. Whilst it's not ideal having to inject, I do feel I have a level of control over my condition that I wouldn't have otherwise.
Im gonna go to my mums and have em like i do every year wi orange and syrup!! I'll try to work it out but if I get it wrong for one day then stuff it! Its only one day a year and im not missin out especially when my sister and her boyfriend are travellin 50 miles to come for em!!

Sorry if I sound like a bad diabetic but ive tried to be so good everyday since diagnosis and for one day im gonna be naughty!!!!

We all need treats, and by the sound of it your mum makes brilliant pancakes. Enjoy yourself, it is only once a year.
I haven't had pancakes for years, since I moved out of home and my mum made them. might well give them a go tomorrow.
I just went to tesco and looked at the pre-prepared ones - they range betweeen 23.8 to 35 grams of carbs per pancake - i will calculate the whole bowl of ingredients and then count how many ladles there are in it.
I would be interested to know what you all counted per pancake tomorrow!:) Bev

Nikki - yes you must have some pancakes - its a nice treat and a good excuse to over indulge! :)Bev x
I don't carb count although I suppose it wotld be useful, I intend to enjoy my pancakes witha little lemon juice, may be a few measly granules of suagr and some raisins....
So did you all have pancakes?If so, could you tell me what carb count you worked them out to be? I am getting paranoid about whether we are doing it right! I worked them out to be 35g per pancake (weighing 79g). Bev
Well just had my pancakes, did cheat and had a M&S prepared batter. Was a little bit naughty, had one with the traditional lemon and sugar but two others with golden syrup banana and strawberries (the fruit makes it healthy right?!). 2 hours later my bg is 8.2 (started at 7.2) so I can't have gone too far wrong.

Bev, I calculated mine as between 15g and 20g carb per pancake but they were pretty small so if you went by the ingredients you put in I'm sure you're probably right. Of course my carb content went up by the time I added all the extras on top!!
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We all had pancakes made with soya milk, the smelt and tasted great. I prefer my pancakes made with soya milk these days. Big son and little boy had chocolate sauce on theirs, hubby had just lemon juice. I enjoyed the treat and went for lemon juice and real sugar. Canderal and splenda are nice but this is one occaision only real sugar will do!