Painful forearms

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Its happening again 😱

just up from my wrist...wierd little shooting pains on both arms...its a little annoying. BUT, i spoke to the nurse about it, she said she doesn't *think* its a form of nueropathy. Plus, my sugars have been pretty good (if a little low the past few weeks, past couple of days have been swinging a bit). Checked just now, 4.5 and have a decent a1c.

Any ideas? I have an appointment at the GPs on friday (my birthday...what a great way to start my 21st eh?) to get some ketones sticks - i havent had any on script for years! - so if its still going on I could mention it then...
have you been doing anything unusual? Just thinking you started working in a book shop, and moved house, have you been lifting lots of heavy things?
erm...not really. I had the same thing a while ago, mentioned it a couple of weeks ago to the doc and she said it could just be nerves playing up like it does a lot of people, or carpal tunnel...:confused:
Certainly worth mentioning it to your doc.

Neuropathy presents in all forms, can last minutes, hours, days, months or longer...

I have just been issued with a TENS machine by the hospital, they are cheap enough to buy and I must be honest and say that in just a few hours they have taken the edge off the pain which was building up again and I didn't fancy increasing the pain killers again.

It seems the pharmacists have cut back on selling TENS machines, however, so long as you're no numb or have a pace maker fitted then you're pretty safe to use them.

Good luck.
really would mention it to the doctor i dnt get the pain in arm just over the shoulder x
Have you been doing a lot of repetative things? Might be a form of RSI. Keep an eye on things, and keep a note of what you are doing if it happens again to see if it falls in to a pattern.

If it is RSI you can get things like wrist supports when you use the mouse on your computer to help.
aye i think i will mention it as its happened before and nothings been done. Its wierd :confused:
Hi Sam..

I was going to say it might be Caroline suggested...🙂

But I would deffinately mention this to your GP..

Sam Hi

I too am having problems with my arm/hand. It is the opposite side to the carpal tunnel which quite a few people have trouble with and have had problems with nerve entrapment there before.

As you know the other problem can be diabetes related so I mentioned this to my doc the other week and will be going for some tests soon.

It is possible to specifiy whether it is neuropathy or another nerve problem with a simple test = EMG - Electromyography
Hope that helps
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