Painful Eyes

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys,

Just returned from the opticians. I've had painful, burning eyes for a wee while now. Optician has said that my eyes are perfectly healthy (other than slight blood apots but nothing to worry about) and the only thing he can think it may be is if I get stronger glasses which he prescribed me. My eyes are burning so badly.

Anyone else had this feeling? I'm trying to control BG's etc at the mo after years of not taking care of myself. Since January it's been one thing after another healthwise. But my eyes are extremely painful and I'm confused if my eyes are healthy why they are so painful?????
Could it be make-up or are you using new perfumes, deodorants, or shampoos or washing powder? Just a thought. Bev
No nothing new at all. In fact I've stopped using my eyeliner incase but have used the same things for years!
could it be due to high bg levels?? any ketones in urine nic??
No no ketones. Had a tummy bug over the weekend and had ketones then but they've gone and levels are "ok".

Eyes have been sore for a while and have now gotten worse :(.
Get your blood pressure checked out, that sometimes does it. Have you had retinal pictures done recently? May pay to have a chat with your doctor to rule out anything else.
how long has it gone on for nic?? i would be certainly looking to my doctors and also my dn for some answers.
Dry Eye? The optician may not have noticed it if not looking for it specifically for it.
I've had it for some years and it can sting, then you rub your eyes, then they get red and so on and so on
I had the same problem, which started about 3 months after being diagnosed. I ignored it at first, thinking it was too much staring at a pc monitor. In the end I couldn't wear my contact lenses, as my eyes felt full of grit. A trip to the opticians showed that there was nothing wrong with my eyes, except that they were indeed 'dry'. I had to see the consultant the next week and mentioned it to her, apparently I have Sjogren's sydrome, which is another autoimmune problem. Of course Type 1 is also autoimmune and once you have one, then like buses, more often than not another comes along too! I also have the dry mouth that goes with it, which can disturb my sleep quite badly as I can't swallow very well and need to sip water.
My optician suggested I buy artificial tears - like drops. I did, what a difference

My eyes, like you were dry and gritty - she has now informed my GP to have them put onto my repeat prescriptiion

Hazel (T2)
A few other suggestions-
Blocked tear ducts
Lack of sleep
Hi Guys,

Just returned from the opticians. I've had painful, burning eyes for a wee while now. Optician has said that my eyes are perfectly healthy (other than slight blood apots but nothing to worry about) and the only thing he can think it may be is if I get stronger glasses which he prescribed me. My eyes are burning so badly.

Anyone else had this feeling? I'm trying to control BG's etc at the mo after years of not taking care of myself. Since January it's been one thing after another healthwise. But my eyes are extremely painful and I'm confused if my eyes are healthy why they are so painful?????

I know this might be a silly question but what type of soreness are you experiencing? I had soreness like grit stuck in my eyes, and my eyes were red and non stop watering. I was sent to the hospital where I had tests and they declared that it was nothing apart from a 'migraine'. I didn't agree with this and went to an optician who said it was 'dry eye', which I accepted more readily. However my next eye test I mentioned it to another optician (different company) who did a scan of my eye and declared I had 'blepharitus'
It's more of a constant ache with the odd sharp shotting pains. It's worse in one eye but is in the other too. It's less painful in the morning. Went back to doctors today who suggested trying the stronger lense I was advised because it could be due to strain and go from there as she too could see nothing wrong with my eyes and said they were infact in great condition. I've got no visible signs of any infection, no redness, swelling, watery, crusty (yuk!).

it could be a migraine nic. i know that my eyes get sore when i have one, but im usually ok after a few days. may be worth looking into getting your eyes checked by a second optometrist. did you go to a vision express/specsavers??
Don't think it's a migraine as don't really have a sore head and I have suffered from Migraines in the past. I've had them checked twice and photos done in the last two weeks and been told the same and the dr said nothing wrong! She tried to assure me that was good news - which it is - but unfortunately doens't help my pain! It was Specsavers I went to.
ah i see. well only other thing i could say is go to a local independent optometrist as they can some times see more than a optitian as they specialize in eyes.
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