Painful cannulas

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi there, I use Medtronic 640g pump with Mio advance cannulas. I’m not the biggest person around - cannulas are 6mm so not very big either. I have always had pretty painful areas not due to overuse, just have sensitive abdomen. Cannot use hips or upper abdomen really, though not tried hips yet. Upper abdomen was so painful I couldn’t do it. Anyone else have similar issues? Any ideas on how to resolve? It seems to be worse at certain times of the month if you know what I mean.... wondering if injections would be better. Thank you. Anita
Simple solution would be to try a different type/angle cannula.
I am using the Medtronic Mio advanced cannulas.

As with any cannulas I do find some areas more uncomfortable than others. I struggle to go much above my belly button level as I have little padding there. I try to follow lines, but also keep to the same side as my sensor for each week,otherwise it struggles to find it at times.

I have managed to go round the back onto top of bum with these as they are so easy to insert. However connecting up is another matter and sometimes I enlist help with that, but when the abdomen needs a rest it is worth it.

Hips definitely hurt too much and I always end up in belt line.

I can’t advise on time of the month (I am a bit old for that now)

I hope that some others can help.
When I had the Animas (tubey pump), I used the inset 30 cannulas. Like you, “I’m not the biggest person all round” and found the usual cannulas painful because they went in too far. The inset 30s go in at 30 degrees so do not go as deep.
I believe Medtronic have something similar.

As for using hips, take care. I accidentally inserted a cannula into my hip bone ... or rather , I tried to but it was incredibly painful.
Are mio advances straight or angled? I often find straight cannulas quite stabby and uncomfortable. I just cant get on with them.

Angled every time for me. Have you tried Mio 30s?
FWIO my regular beauty therapist - Ann who used to wax my lower legs every 6 weeks, used to tell me that when she went to college and they all had to practice on each other after learning how to do the usual range of 'treatments' in theory - if you were one having any sort of waxing done or your eyebrows plucked etc - it could be agony if you were 'it' and you had your period then. So, I expect your prob is something like that.

Think the angled cannulas might help but have to admit I have never, ever tried hem.
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