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pain killer advice


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all
just wondering if anyone out there knows anything about the ins and outs of pain relief,
i think i have pulled a muscle in my back and am unsure what tablets i can take til i see my doc tommorrow to ease the pain,
thanks and hope everyone ok
hi all
just wondering if anyone out there knows anything about the ins and outs of pain relief,
i think i have pulled a muscle in my back and am unsure what tablets i can take til i see my doc tommorrow to ease the pain,
thanks and hope everyone ok

I generally use ibuprofen for muscle pain, as it is an anti-inflammatory. However, I use a cream rather than pills, as the blurb with the statin I take says not to take ibuprofen orally - so do check any other medication you may be on. I asked my GP and she said the cream would be OK.
I usually use ibuprofen and paracetamol.

But if its really bad i take co-codamol (?spelling) but be warned they do make you drowsy - but the pain dissappears within 20 minutes! Bev
Poor you!

You don't say if you are on any other medication so I would suggest you are very careful about what you take - I would be tempted to have a warm bath and see if that eases the pain in your back. If it is really so painful that you need pain-killers, I suggest you speak to a pharmacist or, as a last resort call NHS direct.

Personally, if I need pain-killers I take Syndol. My friend recommends a TENS machine? whatever one of them is.
If you are on aspirin, you shouldn't take iboprofen either as the latter enhances the former. Leaflet in last pack of iboprofen I got for husband's post gardening aches and pains idicated that you shouldn't take if you are at risk of heart disease as some evidence that heart attacks more common if you take for more than eight days. My GP advised paracetamol best for Type 2 diabetic to take without appropriate prescription from GP

For muscle pain you can also try ice-packs as these will help take the inflammation down
Ask a pharmacist

For medicine enquiries - ask a pharmacist! A pharmacist, not an assistant behind a chemist's counter. They are the experts in use of non-prescription items and will say if you need something that needs a prescription.
hi all
just wondering if anyone out there knows anything about the ins and outs of pain relief,
i think i have pulled a muscle in my back and am unsure what tablets i can take til i see my doc tommorrow to ease the pain,
thanks and hope everyone ok

I agree it is better to ask the pharmacist or contacy someone like NHS Direct. If you are taking other medications some don't get on together so ask for advice.

hi all
thanks to everyone who replied to me, i took some ibruprofen and am loads better today, good excuse for a couple of days off the gym i reckon:D
hi all
thanks to everyone who replied to me, i took some ibruprofen and am loads better today, good excuse for a couple of days off the gym i reckon:D

Glad to hear you are feeling better. You did the right thing also taking a couple of days from gym. When I pulled a ham string (AFTER I'd got my yellow belt in karate) I was advised to avoid anything too physical while using pain killers.
Hi folks

Its a bit wierd, but it works.

I use accupressure. Its like acupuncture without the pins. Basically you prod certain areas with the finger which blocks pain in the required areas.

I picked up a book with loads of pictures showing the prod points (there are technical Chinese sounding words, but I prefer 'prod') and have used the procedure for many years now.

Try it

I like the idea of accupressure too. At work we get accupressure massages which are very good and help releive pain in neck and shoulders after woring with computers all day!
Hi folks

Its a bit wierd, but it works.

I use accupressure. Its like acupuncture without the pins. Basically you prod certain areas with the finger which blocks pain in the required areas.

I picked up a book with loads of pictures showing the prod points (there are technical Chinese sounding words, but I prefer 'prod') and have used the procedure for many years now.

Try it


This reminds me of an ex boyfriend who was excellent at getting rid of my headaches using this method, (pressing on various points on my head for a minute or two), sounds mad but it really worked! About the only thing he was good for :rolleyes: but thats a different subject:eek:lol