Pain in right kidney

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

I'm 40 years old, and I had pain in my right kidney area. I contacted my GP and I had to leave in a urine sample. I get a call from the nurse, and she said to come in as soon as possible as she wanted to do a sugar level test as she found keytones and sugar in my urine. I get the test done, and my reading was 8.9, and she said she was expecting it to be over 20. She then takes bloods, and it turned out I have type 2 diabetes. I have been put on meds and I have been walking more and eating healthier. My right kidney is still sore, and I'm starting to get worried. I'm ringing my GP in the morning, but the pain has been with me for near 3 weeks now. It's not severe pain, but it's uncomfortable. I would say the pain would be 4 or 5 out of 10, but I'm feeling pressure and tightness in the area. It hurts if I sit down and get back up or if I make sudden moves in my right side. Anyone experienced this? Should I be worried? My kidney function came back normal.
I would go back to your GP and stress how uncomfortable you are in that area.

It may be that a CT scan or xray could help the investigations.

Good news that your kidney function has come back all clear, but continued pain needs looking into I think.
Had similar pain for several years, turned out I had a kidney stone after having a CT scan, and had had it for some years without knowing until the signs got more severe. Talk to your GP again is my ten penneth worth...
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