p***ed off with my diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
am sick and tried off my diabetes it dont matter what i do 2 try and get on with my illness it just don,t work ive made my wife and kids sick and tried off it aswell and it is not getting any better,am going 2 try again and give it my full.but could do with some support with it.
Hi jayjay,

Very sorry to hear that things haven't been going too well, but glad that you've decided to do your damndest to try and get it sorted! Any particular problems you've been having - hypers, hypos etc.?

It's a bit quiet here over the weekends but stick around - there are some very knowledgeable and supportive people here that understand exactly how you feel. Hope this is the day that things start improving for you - and your family!🙂
Sorry to hear your having such a hard time at min. Hope we can all help u and ur family to feel better.

Like Northerner says is it something in particular we can try and help with?

Hope todays been ok. x
Sounds like you are completely frustrated with everything to do with your diabetes, and Im sorry to hear it has got this hard for you right now. I hope you are finding some of the threads supportive or useful to you for some of the things you may be experiencing. It sounds very much like you could use an appointment to talk things through with your team or DSN asap. If you cant get this, then remember that Diabetes UK have a "Careline" number you can use, someone is always there.

The year before last, I felt very very low about diabetes. If someone told me I would eventually get my head round it, to be honest I didnt find it that useful. Its a journey that you have to take yourself. My DSN recommended seeing the clinic Psychologist which I found extremely useful and then joined her Support Group. It was only through this slow process I got back on track, and was then able to make the changes I needed to to improve my health and treat my diabetes on a daily basis properly.

Hope things get better real soon jayjay.
Hello Jayjay,
It sounds as if you are having a really hard time at the moment.
Hopefully things will improve for you soon.
Do you carb count?
If not teach yourself to carb count it's very simple to do. This will help you no end.
Ask your DSN about a DAFNE course that might solve your problems big time.
If you have done all this
then have a look at this site
Also enquire about an insulin pump.
Best wishes
Hi Jayjay,

It sounds like you are going through a bit of a depressive time with your diabetes, maybe you should go speak to your diabetic nurse or family, or friends just to get it off your chest. As there is nothing worse than bottling things up. I can understand how you feel as i too went through a bit of a depressive phrase where i wanted to miss my injections (i was on 4 injections a day by the way; novorapid and levemir). But luckily i had the support of close family and got through it. Take care and don't worry its just something we have to live with, it doesn't stop us from doing anything x 🙂
Hi Jayjay,

As you're probably gathering we all go through tough patches with diabetes, it can be under great control for years and then we hit a sticky patch and we're back to square one and there isn't a reason that we can fathom.

Your DSN is a great first port of call, the other suggestion made, Diabetes UK careline is where I turned, they answered my questions straight, factually and sympathetically. Well worth the call. And sometimes worth your partner calling, if for no other reason than to be reassured its nothing other than your diabetes.

They [Diabetes UK] made me realise I wasn't alone in feeling down, fighting this battle alone and now we're all here online. Some with far more knowledge of the technical aspects of the condition, others, just with an ear and a voice of sympathy to say unlike those without diabetes who don't see or know how it feels to have this condition.

I think its great that we can release our frustrations amongst others, new and old hands with the same condition.

Hope you soon get over this hurdle and are soon enjoying life again.
Hi Jayjay, so sorry to hear you're really down at the moment. It's a burden having to deal with this thing on a daily basis and I've found (as newly diagnosed) it does take over the life of the patient and their family.

I'm not a great help but some of the others on here can (and will) help all they can - post as often as you like and let off steam too (my family get fed up with me going on about blood sugar levels, testing, etc - and I suppose I don't blame them) and you can feel very alone.....but on here you're not !

All good wishes,
you are mot alone, i'm sure plenty of us have been there, myself included! Its frustrating when none of your friends or family understand diabetes which is why this forum is a godsend for me! Feelin like a failure is a common feeling i get with diabetes but as you can see from all these threads, don't feel bad about seeking any kind of help and that you are not alone! Preach is over 🙂
I get pissed off with mine too. It is worse around Easter as the children (eledest 22 youngest 4 and a half) have tinnes of Easter eggs.

We all have good days and bad days. I often feel there is a general lack of support for me too. The nice thing is we have these forums and there is always someone who will understand how you feel.

I was diagnosed just before Easter 2006, so Easter is a bad time for me anyway. Visit these forums, there are plenty of us who understand the frustrations felt.

In our house the big boy can eat as he pleases, the little boy would live on chocolate if he was allowed and hubby has a dairy intolerance, so meal times are a major problem, and I'd be safer in the middle of a battle field trying to find something different that everyone can eat or will like...

hi jayjay,

just as a matter of interest what would you eat daily? my main downfall is chocolate and bread.
hi there mate am glad that i can start 2 talk 2 people in the same boat as me some people are just not instreadid in what ive 2 say about my diabetes.! i went 2 one of them holiday places with the b.d.a be 4 i want 2 try and get in touch with the people that can sort that out 4 me if u know of any numbers i would be greatfull.jay
i feel a bit better know i can talk 2 people that understand what am going on about.am 37 years old i sound like a little baby really going on but ive been fighting this shit 4 22 years now.and i just think i better do it be 4 it gets me.jay.x
well im not in the uk so i dont really know any numbers for there. are you taking injections or a pump? i heard the pump gives you alot better control thaninjections so maybe go to ur doctor to get you on apump. plus what kind of foods do you eat jay jay?
ok sorry, i see ur on 4 injections a day, pretty much the same as me. ok - so what kind of food do you eat? i eat healthy sort of - but i can't stay away from the chococlate :( my hba1c was 5 - 6 so its not so bad but im still not happy as i eat highs and lows still. im 26 and female and i have diabetes with 3 years now!
Hi jayjay
As everyone has said, sorry to hear that you're having such a tough time with your diabetes, I think we've probably all felt like you about diabetes at some time or another, I know I certainly have.
I think one of the most important things to remember is that it's never too late to take control over things, don't look back at where things have been wrong in the past but look to where you want to be. I would encourage you to enquire about getting on a dafne (or similar) course if you can. I found it amazing in that it taught me about the condition, erasing any misconceptions that may have built up over time, and gave me a managable way to control my own condition. It was kind of like pressing a reset button and starting from scratch. It also gives you the chance to meet other diabetics local to you who understand things.
Is there anything specific you are struggling with? If so I would encourage you to post a question on it, there really is a wealth of knowledge here to help you.
Hi Jayjay, Have u ever spoke to anyone professionally. Ive been diagnosed almost 4 months and have really struggled to cope at times. I finally admitted to myself I needed help and couldnt cope alone. (Im a very stuborn person and have always thought I could deal with anything!) Im now having councilling and its the best thing I did. She is so good and I am making alot of progress. I was very sceptical at first but its def working for me.

I havnt done DAFNE course but my local centre ran a similar course to the BERTIE. It was great and I have better control as a result.

We are all here to listen x
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