

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
started Ozempic (semaglutide ) .25mg on Friday , Saturday I experienced extreme dizziness and nausea with vomiting, it really floored me for 24hrs. contacted my diabetic clinic this morning and they have told me to stop taking it. I was on Trulicity, it had no side affects but didn't work. I've to record my BS levels three times daily and call the clinic on Friday. My question is where do I go from here. I've reported this to my GP.
Welcome to the forum you will find lots of helpful people here.
If you give a bit more detail about your situation it would help people make comments and suggestions. So a few questions:
What is your HbA1c at last test.
Are you on any other diabetes medication
How long have you been diagnosed.
Do you have weight to lose.
Do you monitor your blood glucose at home
Have you made changes to your diet since diagnosis
Sorry this sounds like the third degree but it does help people make appropriate comments.
I don't know what my HbA1c is but I think that it is quite high, I take a tablet Eucreas 50/100mg twice a day. I've been diagnosed for several years now, weight to loose absolutely. I do monitor my blood sugar level at home. I eat as I please although I try to be careful about the calories.
I don't know what my HbA1c is but I think that it is quite high, I take a tablet Eucreas 50/100mg twice a day. I've been diagnosed for several years now, weight to loose absolutely. I do monitor my blood sugar level at home. I eat as I please although I try to be careful about the calories.
Not one I have heard of but Eucreas contains the active substances vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride and is used alongside diet.
It is possible that it is the 'diet' that need some attention since you mention calories which are not the important thing when trying to manage blood glucose levels. It is ALL carbohydrates which convert into glucose so as well as the obvious things like cakes, biscuits, sweets and sugary drinks it is things like potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, pastry, cereals and tropical fruits which are all high carbohydrate and should be reduced in your dietary regime. Adding more and more meds without changes to the food you eat are going to have the effect you hope for.
Using you blood glucose monitor to good effect to test what meals you can tolerate would be a good step. Testing before you eat and after 2 hours aiming for an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l and eventually no more that 8.5mmol/l, if more than that then your meal is too carb heavy.
Finding out what your HbA1C is would be a good idea as it will tell you how much work you need to do with your diet.
Sorry to hear you had such a rough ride with Ozempic @Roy8 :(

I gather they tend to start people on a low dose and gradually increase, to make it easier, but it sounds like your body gave a firm NO!

If you are happy to share an average day’s menu, folks could give some feedback, though here are lots of different eating plans on the forum and different people have very different tolerances to the amounts, portion sizes, and types of carbs that they tolerate well :)
started Ozempic (semaglutide ) .25mg on Friday , Saturday I experienced extreme dizziness and nausea with vomiting, it really floored me for 24hrs. contacted my diabetic clinic this morning and they have told me to stop taking it. I was on Trulicity, it had no side affects but didn't work. I've to record my BS levels three times daily and call the clinic on Friday. My question is where do I go from here. I've reported this to my GP.
Hi Roy8 the side effects of the ozempic can be horrible. I was on 0.5 for 3 months and was great no side effects at all, on Thursday I took 1mg and since then it's been horrible can't keep off the loo, feel sick & horrible smelling burps. I won't be taking the 1mg again now after how I feel. Unfortunately when you stop taking it you still have to wait for the side effects to wear off. Your gp may prescribe anti sickness meds xx
Yes unfortunately it has a half life of a week so it takes 4-6 weeks for a dose change to fully clear your system.