

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi has anyone been using ozempic oral tablets at all? If so is there any side effects and how well do they work ?
I though this drug was an injection and not an oral medication.
I though this drug was an injection and not an oral medication.
It’s available as tablets too, fairly newly approved I think. When I started ozempic I was given the choice of an injection or waiting for tablet form to be released, I much preferred the idea of one injection a week to multiple tablets a day so I chose the injections
It’s available as tablets too, fairly newly approved I think. When I started ozempic I was given the choice of an injection or waiting for tablet form to be released, I much preferred the idea of one injection a week to multiple tablets a day so I chose the injections
Oh, thanks for that I have not seen anyone post saying they are on tablets.