

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello from Australia. I can’t find a similar site in Australia.
I have had diabetes 2 for about 20 years but recently my blood glucose levels have kicked up. The endocrinologist has put me on Ozempic .25 and Diaformin 1000mg morning and night. First injection a week ago but my levels have increased this week.
Is this normal, anyone else had this issue?
I don’t know how long it takes to start working. Thanks .
G‘day @Dawnes - welcome to the forum :)

We have a few who have started on Ozempic in recent years, often on a low dose that gradually get increased to help reduce any side effects. Some seem to get on very well with it.

There are some threads here you could check out

And this one:

It seems the effects build up over a month or two :)
Welcome to the forum, there are a few people from other countries and they find the site very helpful. Bearing in mind some things may be specific to the Uk.
Blood glucose levels can increase for all sorts of reasons, it could just be the uncertainty of embarking on new medication. I assume you were controlling your levels by diet alone, the body's tolerance of certain foods can change with time so you may need to revisit by testing some of the meals you have.
I am not familiar with the effect of those meds but I'm sure somebody will be able to comment.09
Hello. The 0.25 dose of ozempic is just a low dose to get used to it really. Because each injection lasts a whole week it takes a couple of weeks to build up to full strength. I’d say you’ll see a gradual effect over the first month on 0.25, and that will continue to gradually build until a couple of weeks after you’ve been on the 0.5 pen