

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This drug made me very ill. I didn’t have the side effects until I took the maximum dose and then it was terrible ended up nearly calling 999 terrible pain in my stomach resorted to pain killers. This can take up to eight weeks to get out of your system. Never had such constant pain in my life and my readings remained high. Wish l was never recommended it!!!
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience with Ozempic @Frodo.

Can you remember what the max dose you were on was? There are a few Ozempic threads running at the moment and 0.25-0.5mg seems most common.

How long did you wait between dose increases?
I was on the max dose of 0.1. They start you on 0.25 and then after 4 weeks increased to 0.5 then final dose the max, I only took 2 of these. Side effects first two bearable last one unbearable felt like a knife was being turned in my stomach. Doctors put me on pain killers and laxatives, lost a stone although before I was under weight if anything. Takes 8 weeks to get completely out of your system. Have never had side effects from any drug before. Didnt help my levels. I’m 71 but this has made me feel 90!! Be very careful
Ah that’s interesting.

Sorry it didn’t work out for you.

@Lucyr will be interested about your experiences with the 1mg dose.
Hi and welcome

So sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with Ozempic. I wonder why they put you on it if you are underweight as it is normally prescribed to people who need to lose quite a bit of weight and are having difficulty with that as well as their BG levels.

I also wonder if you have been correctly diagnosed as Type 2 if you are underweight. What sort of numbers are your BG levels running at? Can you tell us a bit about how you came to be diagnosed and what your blood test results were (HbA1c is the blood test used to diagnose diabetes and a reading of 48 or more means you are diabetic but it can go as high as 3 figures). Often they just assume you are Type 2 as there is no definitive test for it and testing for other types of diabetes is more expensive.
I am just concerned that the pain that you are experiencing is not a side effect of the Ozempic but perhaps pancreatitis or possibly DKA if your Blood Glucose levels are high. Have you been tested for ketones?
I was on the max dose of 0.1. They start you on 0.25 and then after 4 weeks increased to 0.5 then final dose the max, I only took 2 of these. Side effects first two bearable last one unbearable felt like a knife was being turned in my stomach. Doctors put me on pain killers and laxatives, lost a stone although before I was under weight if anything. Takes 8 weeks to get completely out of your system. Have never had side effects from any drug before. Didnt help my levels. I’m 71 but this has made me feel 90!! Be very careful
Sorry to hear you had side effects when you moved to 1.0, i currently take 0.5 with no side effects and feels as though the beneficial effects have worn off somewhat so am looking to take the 1.0 dose. What triggered the move to 1.0 for you and how soon after moving over did the effects start? It does last a really long time so i hope you're starting to feel better now - have you moved back to 0.5 or stopped altogether?
Sorry to hear you had side effects when you moved to 1.0, i currently take 0.5 with no side effects and feels as though the beneficial effects have worn off somewhat so am looking to take the 1.0 dose. What triggered the move to 1.0 for you and how soon after moving over did the effects start? It does last a really long time so i hope you're starting to feel better now - have you moved back to 0.5 or stopped altogether?
They moved me onto 0.1 because 0.5 wasn’t working. Not on it anymore waiting for once a day shot of insulin taking metformin readings at the moment between 16/22. Not happy. It would seem to me anybody that is not overweight should not take this. My Doctors should not have recommended this in my opinion!!
They moved me onto 0.1 because 0.5 wasn’t working. Not on it anymore waiting for once a day shot of insulin taking metformin readings at the moment between 16/22. Not happy. It would seem to me anybody that is not overweight should not take this. My Doctors should not have recommended this in my opinion!!
Hi @Frodo
it all sounds strange as others have said, Ozempic is usually prescribed to aid weight loss in obese T2‘s although it will also help to lower BS levels due to how it works,

I’ve been on it for about 6 months and luckily not had any side effects that some people have reported
I have been told the maximum dose is 0.5 following the initial 4 doses of 0.25
Hi @Frodo
it all sounds strange as others have said, Ozempic is usually prescribed to aid weight loss in obese T2‘s although it will also help to lower BS levels due to how it works,

I’ve been on it for about 6 months and luckily not had any side effects that some people have reported
I have been told the maximum dose is 0.5 following the initial 4 doses of 0.25
Exactly I should have been on this! No the max dose is 0.1