

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My diabetic nurse has just taken me off gliclazide and put me on ozempic does anyone else use this and how long does it take to work and what are the side effects
If you use the search bar at the top you may find results as I can't think of any active members that use it

As for side effects they should be listed in the patient information sheet enclosed
Hello, I’ll be starting this today (well whenever the prescription is ready). The DSN advised it takes a couple of weeks to start working as it is a once weekly injection it builds up slowly. You also start on a lower dose to ease the side effects. You have to each much smaller portion sizes with it or you will feel quite sick.
Hello, I’ll be starting this today (well whenever the prescription is ready). The DSN advised it takes a couple of weeks to start working as it is a once weekly injection it builds up slowly. You also start on a lower dose to ease the side effects. You have to each much smaller portion sizes with it or you will feel quite sick.

Hope it goes well for you @Lucyr

Do let us know how you get on with it, as it's an injection that seems to be getting prescribed more and more, and lots of people are interested in what it's like and how it works out. :)
Will do. Getting the prescription was a bit delayed so probably trying it tomorrow. Not sure if it will work for me as I’ve tried similar injections like byetta and victoza but worth a go. If I could get from multiple insulin injections and carb counting daily and still getting a high a1c down to one injection a week it would be amazing.
My diabetic nurse has just taken me off gliclazide and put me on ozempic does anyone else use this and how long does it take to work and what are the side effects
How is it going for you fifi?
Hi going ok at the moment but only on week 2 so a slow start have noticed a reduced eating habit so I think it is beginning to work and bg is down from high teens to in the single figures
Oh that sounds good on both bgs and hunger. Have you had any other side effects?