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  • Take a look at our new Type 2 Diabetes Remission section on the Diabetes UK website: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-the-basics/type-2-remission



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Type 2
It's getting much harder and for my pharmacy to obtain Ozempic , have other had that issue? GP just keeps prescribing it but pharmacy keeps having problems obtaining it!
It's getting much harder and for my pharmacy to obtain Ozempic , have other had that issue? GP just keeps prescribing it but pharmacy keeps having problems obtaining it!
Yes my pharmacy recently told me that they cannot obtain the 0.5mg and 1mg solutions for the foreseeable future. He advised me to get my doctor to prescribe the 0.25mg for me. I did that and now have about 6 months supply in my fridge! This happened before with another medication I was taking so I made sure I ordered extra whenever I could. Why the NHS could not be proactive like this when the shortage was completely predictable is a good example of why it is failing!
Why the NHS could not be proactive like this when the shortage was completely predictable is a good example of why it is failing!
The shortage stems from the drug manufacturers (private companies), not the NHS.
Unfortunately the shortages are down to off-label use as a weight loss drug (fuelled by Social Media and celebrity users).

Novo Nordisk did not anticipate demand, so there simply isn‘t enough to go around :(

It seems likely to continue into 2024 too :(

It's getting much harder and for my pharmacy to obtain Ozempic , have other had that issue? GP just keeps prescribing it but pharmacy keeps having problems obtaining it!
Loads of threads on here about it, there’s a shortage until next year at least. Ask your GP for an alternative.