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  • Take a look at our new Type 2 Diabetes Remission section on the Diabetes UK website: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-the-basics/type-2-remission



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I’m just putting this out here, I’m wondering if anyone knows if there is a thread or posts about anyone being on Ozempic? I was diagnosed with T2 2 years this September. I managed to get my AC1 down to below 40 the first few months after diagnosis. As the months have went on I have juggled with my meds until they got it right and I felt great but my last bloods weren’t as low as they wanted so they have now put me on ozempic this week. I haven’t started the medication yet, I plan to tomorrow but after reading some stuff on google etc I’m actually terrified to take it?! HELP!! Lol
If you click on the magnifying glass symbol (top right of page on my ipad) and type Ozempic into the drop down search box, a list of threads where Ozempic has been mentioned will appear. Several of these seem to be from members who have experienced it first hand.
... after reading some stuff on google etc I’m actually terrified to take it?! HELP!! Lol
Best to check what people who know what they're talking about have to say. Eg: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news/ozempic-and-weight-loss-facts-behind-headlines

The majority of medications can have side effects, and Ozempic is no different. Common side effects can include constipation and diarrhoea, while less common side effects include altered taste and acute pancreatitis.

If you have diabetic eye disease (retinopathy) and are using insulin, then Ozempic may lead to a worsening of your vision, and this may require treatment. Tell your doctor if you have diabetic eye disease or if you experience eye problems during treatment with this medication.

More information about the side effects is contained in the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) which comes in the box of the medication, so make sure to read this.

It is also important that you take individual advice from your healthcare team before starting Ozempic treatment and report any side effects if you experience any.

Bottom line: like just about any med, some people can have mild side effects from it & some tiny proportion may suffer something a bit more serious, but not very serious. On the other hand, it's usually very effective at what it does.
I have been on it and it did help with my blood sugar levels and I lost weight on it, I did yes have side affects but as pointed out risks of this can happen with any medication, I would read the leaflet so your full aware and report any side affects to your dr/dsn, the only one that caught me out was I had gallstones with pancreatitis so that meant I go taken off it very quickly and had other risk factors the dr missed but I must stress my circumstances are unusual.

I’m just putting this out here, I’m wondering if anyone knows if there is a thread or posts about anyone being on Ozempic? I was diagnosed with T2 2 years this September. I managed to get my AC1 down to below 40 the first few months after diagnosis. As the months have went on I have juggled with my meds until they got it right and I felt great but my last bloods weren’t as low as they wanted so they have now put me on ozempic this week. I haven’t started the medication yet, I plan to tomorrow but after reading some stuff on google etc I’m actually terrified to take it?! HELP!! Lol
I was prescribed Ozempic
I was prescribed Ozempic almost three years ago, after over 30 years of poor control and consequent complications, including eye damage, neuropathy in my fingers and toes, kidney damage etc etc. I started on a half dose and gradually increased to 0.5 mg once a week which I'm still taking. Yes, I suffered side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, food tasting different etc but I perseveredddd
I was prescribed Ozempic almost three years ago, after over 30 years of poor control and consequent complications, including eye damage, neuropathy in my fingers and toes, kidney damage etc etc. I started on a half dose and gradually increased to 0.5 mg once a week which I'm still taking. Yes, I suffered side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, food tasting different etc but I perseveredddd
I persevered and it's been a miracle drug for me. I've lost weight and my appetite changed. I seldom get the urge to binge eat for example. My blood sugars dropped almost instantly. I've just had my six month review and was informed that I'm now considered pre -diabetic as my HBA1C falls into the normal range! If only Ozempic had been available when I was first diagnosed in my thirties, I probably wouldn't have the disabilities caused by my diabetes. At least they shouldn't get any worse now. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to benefit and am in dread of being unable to obtain it, as I'm in no doubt that my appetite would revert to my old habits very quickly.
I have been on it and it did help with my blood sugar levels and I lost weight on it, I did yes have side affects but as pointed out risks of this can happen with any medication, I would read the leaflet so your full aware and report any side affects to your dr/dsn, the only one that caught me out was I had gallstones with pancreatitis so that meant I go taken off it very quickly and had other risk factors the dr missed but I must stress my circumstances are unusual.
I had gallstones after a twin pregnancy and had my gallbladder removed. About 10 years later I was diagnosed with diabetes and tried most of the injectable medications available at the time. Either they didn't work well enough or I got pancreatitis and had to stop them. Finally years later I started on Ozempic. I was very very scared about getting pancreatitis again and took it very slowly but eventually I reached the dose I'm on now and three years later my HBA1C falls into the normal range and I'm considered prediabetic. It's been a miracle drug for me!
Glad Ozempic had worked so well for you @AprilTS

I’ve taken the liberty of adjustimg your username, as it was revealing rather too much of your email address for comfort. Let the mods know if you’d prefer something a little more anonymous?

Welcome to the forum!