

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone. I’m searching for some good news stories about Ozempic as I’ve been put on it by the consultant. Also I thought the initial dose was 0.25 and I’ve been sent 0.5 so have queried it with my GP. I am really not keen on starting it, mostly due to side effects, when I am already a victim to my stomach and bowels. I tried Lyxumia in 2020 which started me off with pancreatitis and I couldn’t eat anything but plain biscuits I felt so terrible. It deteriorated into feeling sick and dizzy all morning then diarrhoea all afternoon … could really use some good news stories! Also anyone else start off at a 0.5 dose?
If you’ve been told to start on 0.25 then I’d check the prescription said 0.25 and that the pharmacist prescribed the right pen. If they did intend to prescribe the 0.5 pen then you can just dial half as far for a 0.25 dose, that’s what I did when going back down doses
Thanks - it’s quite hard to calculate half a dose on the pen as it only has 0.5 on the dial. Will see if I can work it, but not going to start until this heatwave is over. How did you find it?
To find half a dose I just used the lines on the dial of the pen. Coloured in the one that pointed to 0 with a permanent marker, and counted how many rotations it was to the marked dose. Then twisted half as many times for the half dose.
Thank you
Apparently there’s a severe shortage of 0.25 (according to my surgery pharmacist). I wonder if this has been part of the problem. There’s some excellent instruction videos on YouTube about using the Ozempic pen from very credible sources. Hope this helps but obviously be guided primarily by your medical team. Good luck!

I wonder whether this is because they seem to be prescribing it more.
Apparently there’s a severe shortage of 0.25 (according to my surgery pharmacist). I wonder if this has been part of the problem. There’s some excellent instruction videos on YouTube about using the Ozempic pen from very credible sources. Hope this helps but obviously be guided primarily by your medical team. Good luck!

I am in the middle of experiencing this shortage - my pharmacy can't get 0.25mg pens anywhere. Just been told by my GP to ring around pharmacies to see if they have any in stock. As I don't really want to start taking anyway (my experiment with Lyxumia did not go well) my first inclination is to not bother...
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Well, I spent all weekend phoning my local pharmacies and there is not a 0.25mg ozempic pen to be found anywhere! All the suppliers say out of stock. So guess I won’t be taking the devil’s juice after all
Just FYI spoke to Ozempic supplier- apparently only turning the dial half way makes no difference- pen will dispense a full dose. So can’t do that. According to them there has been a worldwide shortage but should be at their suppliers from tomorrow …
Just FYI spoke to Ozempic supplier- apparently only turning the dial half way makes no difference- pen will dispense a full dose. So can’t do that. According to them there has been a worldwide shortage but should be at their suppliers from tomorrow …
Turning it halfway does dispense a half dose, if it didn’t then after a month my pen would have been empty not half full. Or turning it to the priming line would give a full dose which it doesn’t, just gives a small amount to prime it with.
My pen does not have a priming line? To be honest I don’t understand why there needs to be different pens for each dose. The dial on mine says 0.5mg and nothing else so going to wait until the 0.25mg pen is available
My pen does not have a priming line? To be honest I don’t understand why there needs to be different pens for each dose. The dial on mine says 0.5mg and nothing else so going to wait until the 0.25mg pen is available
There should be a small line just after the 0 which is used to prime for the first injection only, then no other markings until 0.5mg
No that isn’t what my pen dial
Looks like maybe they have changed the packaging, hence the out of stock situation.
There should be a small line just after the 0 which is used to prime for the first injection only, then no other markings until 0.5mg
How have you been finding it? I feel
Sick and have diarrhoea all the time anyway (IBS) so not looking forward to that getting worse when I eventually give it a go!
No that isn’t what my pen dial
Looks like maybe they have changed the packaging, hence the out of stock situation.


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