

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I’m new to this forum. I’ve just recently been put on Ozempic pen to inject, is anyone else this and if so how long does the nausea last for please
Ozempic has a long half life as each dose lasts for a week, so the nausea may persist for a while as it takes a month for each dose change to build up in your system. Having nausea does mean that its working though, as that will be giving the intended effect of reducing your appetite. Have you been reducing portion sizes to help with it? You may find something like peppermint tea could help the nausea perhaps.
Thank you. I was worried it wasn’t working with me. I do feel it has helped me cut down my eating. I will try peppermint tea
I’m on the 3rd week of injecting ozempic 0.5. First week no problem but did consciously try to cut down. However the 2nd dose I was so I’ll abdo pains diarrhoea and then vomiting watery gastric bile it lasted 12 hours. However, this week upto now 3 days in continuing to feel nauseous but not vomiting and today at hosp weigh in lost 12lbs in just over two weeks! Hopefully it will continue to curb my appetite and reduce sickness. So if you can stick with it but any severe side effects seek medical advice and read the patient leaflet. Good luck
Hi I am on my 5th week now of 0.5 injecting 0zempic. It has definitely reduced my input of food but has left me feeling very tired for the first 3 days of the week. Does anyone else feel this tired? Have felt sick but usually if I eat too much. On a good note my count is coming down.
Hello as you might have seen by my threads I’ve had a miserable time with first 3 weeks on ozempic, yes I do feel tired for few days after weekly inject. Nausea just starting to abate but I’m not over eating at all as been too ill but hopefully I’m over the worst
I’m not hungry so thankful I don’t suffer from wanting to overeat
Good luck x
YES ✊ at last! Thank you each and all
Have you posted this on the wrong thread..... Just wondering by the capital "YES" if this is supposed to be an update to your "Constipation" thread.... If so Congrats! So relieved for you as no doubt you are yourself in all respects! :rolleyes:
Well it’s the fourth week and seems like 3rd and 4th days of each week are when I feel most nauseous. It’s been getting less so but today feel like I’m actually getting ready to vomit.
The good new is I’ve gon from 11.12 to today at hospital 10.9 so that’s good. My Daily fasting blood sugar now in the 6 range so Ozempic is doing the job.
I am slowly coming around to in my haste to lose weight and reduce my BG I am maybe not eating enough, therefore, I am going to eat more smaller potions more often. My mistake I think is going a long time i between food and mostly low carbs. So I’m going to try sensible eating for this next week and see if it helps with this seul sense of going to be sick!
Anyone been in this situation?