
Jojo catwoman

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
Can anyone please offer advice on Ozempic? I am looking for an alternative to Gliclazide, which causes me to gain weight, whatever I do.
Many thanks.
Hi all,
Can anyone please offer advice on Ozempic? I am looking for an alternative to Gliclazide, which causes me to gain weight, whatever I do.
Many thanks.
Hi. It won't be the Gliclazide that is causing weight gain as it can't do that itself. You need to reduce your carb intake as Gliclazide increases insulin output from the pancreas and the insulin will be metabolising the carbs you eat and storing any excess glucose as body fat.
The way ozempic helps you lose weight is by making you feel full quicker so that you reduce your portion sizes. So if your portion sizes need reducing then ozempic may help, but also if you’re able to reduce your portion sizes whilst on your current medications you may see benefits in weight loss without needing ozempic.

It would be unusual to go from gliclazide to ozempic, have you tried anything like empagliflozin which would usually be offered first?
Thank you all for your replies. I have been on the same dose of Gliclazide and Metformin virtually since diagnosis, almost 4 years ago. I have never been offered anything else. I was told by my previous Consultant that I would never lose weight whilst taking Gliclazide. I am about to have a phone consultation with the DN. This is only my second appointment since February 2020. I was slim until diagnosis and felt very healthy. I can't exercise much since a RTA a few years ago, but I do try to walk every day. The Metformin can cause an upset stomach, I haven't felt really well for about 2 years.
I never eat sweets or biscuits and do try to restrict carbs. I drink a lot of water and never eat rice or pasta.
I was told that I am not a typical Type 2, as it is possible that the condition was caused in my case, because my Husband died suddenly. At that time I lost about 3st in a couple of months and remained slim for several years until I was forced to take Diabetic meds.
Thank you all for your replies. I have been on the same dose of Gliclazide and Metformin virtually since diagnosis, almost 4 years ago. I have never been offered anything else. I was told by my previous Consultant that I would never lose weight whilst taking Gliclazide. I am about to have a phone consultation with the DN. This is only my second appointment since February 2020. I was slim until diagnosis and felt very healthy. I can't exercise much since a RTA a few years ago, but I do try to walk every day. The Metformin can cause an upset stomach, I haven't felt really well for about 2 years.
I never eat sweets or biscuits and do try to restrict carbs. I drink a lot of water and never eat rice or pasta.
I was told that I am not a typical Type 2, as it is possible that the condition was caused in my case, because my Husband died suddenly. At that time I lost about 3st in a couple of months and remained slim for several years until I was forced to take Diabetic meds.
Hi again. It sounds like you may be somewhere between T2 and LADA which may or may not explain that you were slim earlier. I've been down a similar path. I don't agree with the consultant about gaining weight with Gliclazide. I was on 320mg full dose for several years and still lost weight; probably because my beta cells were long gone. It's important to understand how each drug works. Are you taking Slow Release Metformin? If not do ask to be changed to that as it's much kinder. You are obviously trying to keep the carbs down which is good. Ozempic may well help you but I've never used it so can't comment on it.
Hi DaveB, thank you so much for your reply. I am on SR Metformin, but this can still affect me. I am on 160mg of Gliclazide at present. I will have a chat with the DN. I haven't heard of LADA, so about to Google that now.
Very grateful to you.
Hi DaveB, thank you so much for your reply. I am on SR Metformin, but this can still affect me. I am on 160mg of Gliclazide at present. I will have a chat with the DN. I haven't heard of LADA, so about to Google that now.
Very grateful to you.
I'd have more trust in details about LADA from this site than Google - where ignorance abounds along with varying medical interpretations from US based organisations.
Hi @Jojo catwoman I have been on Ozempic for sometime now and with quite good results with both weight loss and lower BG
I started on weekly jab of 0.25 for 3 months then upped to 0.50 for 3 months then to the maximum dose 1.0 .
Just be aware of some of the side effects being nauseous and sometimes constipated or diarrhoea that is why they slowly increase the dose
I did come off of it for a while in January 21 after having been hospitalised with Covid and was put on Gliclazide for a few months which worked better on my BG but I came off the Gliclazide and reverted back to Ozempic because the Gliclazide was on the drug list not liked by the DVSA and put my lively hood as a HGV driver at risk
It is not a wonder drug so don't expect miracles and you still need to watch your carb intake
I hope this helps
DVLA don't like Glic because it's a hypoglycaemic agent (the same as insulin is) hence for them the same rules apply as if you had to use insulin. Yes it would louse up a HGV licence - us Type 1s normally lose our C1 immediately - we can apply to retain it but I didn't bother as I've never wanted or needed to drive anything bigger than a car anyway.
Thank you all for your help. There's always someone who's knowledgeable here @Billy Bob thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences with Ozempic. I guess there's always a price to pay, whatever your meds. Diabetes means that life will never be straightforward again.
Hi, I've been on Ozempic for a couple of months - I personally have found it helpful so far but the first week of a new dose makes me feel a bit unwell. And the gastrointestinal situation can be a bit unpredictable! It's been very helpful with making sure I eat the right kind of food however and reducing snacking as my hunger and desire for food is much less.
Hi @christmas, thank you for that. It's very much appreciated. I am keen to try it and realise that there will be side effects. I find Metformin unpredictable, but I think I would still like a change from Gliclazide if possible.