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Ozempic shortage?


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is anyone else struggling to get their Ozempic? I've been waiting to go up to 1mg for 6 weeks now as there was none available and have just been told that 0.5mg are on back order too. Anyone any ideas on what I can do, I can't afford to buy it?
Have you asked to switch to a different medication?
I'm taking this on top of glicazide and meformin. I've reduced the dosage of these as the ozempic dose rose, so I suppose I'll have to reincrease them. Thanks
I'm taking this on top of glicazide and meformin. I've reduced the dosage of these as the ozempic dose rose, so I suppose I'll have to reincrease them. Thanks
Please talk to your GP or diabetic nurse before changing your meds just in case they have a better suggestion
I'm taking this on top of glicazide and meformin. I've reduced the dosage of these as the ozempic dose rose, so I suppose I'll have to reincrease them. Thanks
Or try a different injectable med
I'm taking this on top of glicazide and meformin. I've reduced the dosage of these as the ozempic dose rose, so I suppose I'll have to reincrease them. Thanks
Are there any more dietary measures you can take, reduce your carb intake a bit. Keep an eye on what is going on with the changes by using your monitor to do more testing.
And perhaps increase your exercise levels a bit too?? That can make a significant difference.
Thank you all, I'm already on a very low carbon diet and have increased my exercise massively. I will speak with my diabetes nurse on Monday as thats when my next jab is due.
Thank you all, I'm already on a very low carbon diet and have increased my exercise massively. I will speak with my diabetes nurse on Monday as thats when my next jab is due.
Are you doing any testing to see how you cope with the meals you have, it may be that you are less tolerant of some carbs than others so you could make some substitutions. How many grams carbs do you have per day or per meal?
I'm have between 75-80g of carbs per day. I test before and 1 & 2 hours after every meal. I was just settling on the Ozempic and it was helping. I was only diagnosed in March and was coming to terms with everything. Feel let down a bit tbh. But hey how, we go again
Early days, Dave but it sounds as if you‘ve got a good routine going:).

I’ve seen reports about shortages in the press but I am never sure what to believe. Also saw reports that Metforim is no longer prescribed but that doesn’t seem to be the case either? As suggested, best to go straight to source. I find the forum useful for personal experiences, information and support but rely on GP for tests. Shortages may only apply to certain areas and the nhs will need to have a strategy to deal with this. A step at a time:)
Early days, Dave but it sounds as if you‘ve got a good routine going:).

I’ve seen reports about shortages in the press but I am never sure what to believe. Also saw reports that Metforim is no longer prescribed but that doesn’t seem to be the case either? As suggested, best to go straight to source. I find the forum useful for personal experiences, information and support but rely on GP for tests. Shortages may only apply to certain areas and the nhs will need to have a strategy to deal with this. A step at a time:)
I seem to remember some time ago that there were reports from the USA that there was a contamination issue with metformin and it was not being issued. But that was a while ago and nothing reported about here.
Maybe it would be a good thing if it was prescribed less to emphasise the importance of dietary changes if people are not too high at diagnosis.
I seem to remember some time ago that there were reports from the USA that there was a contamination issue with metformin and it was not being issued. But that was a while ago and nothing reported about here.
Maybe it would be a good thing if it was prescribed less to emphasise the importance of dietary changes if people are not too high at diagnosis.
That's the problem with reading information on't tinternet ....

Without knowing someone's journey or having any medical training - only my own lived experience - I wouldn't like to comment on whether prescribing less medication would be a good thing. ...kind of think that's for the patient and the GP to agree on.
Yes there is definitely a shortage, my DNS cant start anyone new on Ozempic because of the supply issue, I’ve been told it’s the plastic pens that are in short supply and not the drug itself, media coverage around the weight loss benefit has also worsened the supply issues, it’s very frustrating because I think Ozempic would have been the best choice for me.