Ozempic question.


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was on two Metformin morning and evening and two gliclazide morning and evening. Whether it was their fault or not I'm unsure but my toilet habits were up the creek and if I needed to go to number 2 I had to run for it.
My doctor removed me from the injection the name of which I'm unable remember, cut the Metformin and one of the gliclazide exchanging them for one Ozempic injection a week. It appeared to reduce my weight and initially at least reduced my Blood Sugar levels to the 7s then recently they shot up to the high 9s and this at a time when I was on holiday when I was doing a lot more exercise than previously.
Has anyone on Ozempic had any such problems?
Diabetes UK would like your permission to enable push notifications. I have no idea what Push notifications are.
It's an (in my opinion) misconceived idea for getting asynchronous notifications from web pages (like this forum). So even if you're not visiting this forum your web browser can tell you that someone's replied to some topic you're interested in. They'll typically appear much like other notifications your operating system gives (on my Mac they appear in the top right of the screen).

The catch is (in my opinion) that that has a cost: your web browser has to keep a connection open to each of these servers you've allowed notifications for. Worse, these things typically work even if you don't have a web browser even open, so it's the operating system itself doing it. That's my (possibly incorrect) sense of it, and it never felt like a sensible solution for what's a real issue: sometimes you're interested enough in some web site that you want to know when some things have changed.

I must admit what I really hate is that some web sites regularly seem to ask me whether I'd like to receive notifications or not, even when I've (as far as I can tell) selected every option in my web browser to tell it never to ask me and always to reject them.

(The forum also allows you to get notifications by email.)
Glad to hear that Ozempic seemed to make such a positive impact initially @BrianM. Sorry that you’ve seen BG rises more recently. Was there a change in food on holiday too?

@Lucyr Was using Ozempic and getting on OK with it I think? Though I’m not sure how many long-term users we have who are currently posting.
Can I ask what sort of diet you have? If you do have some excess weight then a low-carb diet will usually help bring that down and also the BS. Apologies if you are already doing this or are slim but the NHS is very bad at giving diet advice for T2s
Glad to hear that Ozempic seemed to make such a positive impact initially @BrianM. Sorry that you’ve seen BG rises more recently. Was there a change in food on holiday too?

@Lucyr Was using Ozempic and getting on OK with it I think? Though I’m not sure how many long-term users we have who are currently posting.
I am still on ozempic and getting on okay with it as in no side effects, but whilst it had some effect in improving bgs after the first 6 weeks or so, I haven’t seen that continue. My last a1c was about where it usually is for the level of attention I was paying to diabetes at that time. Overall, I can’t decide whether it’s helping anything or not. I do have phases where it’s completely obvious from the bg chaos that my pancreas is producing more insulin than usual, but I’ve always had phases like that before ozempic too, so who knows.

what dose of ozempic are you on?