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Ozempic out of stock


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, has anyone been switched to a different medication with Ozempic being out of stock?

What we’re you switched too and how are you finding it?
Not on ozempic but replying to push your post to the top of the board to help it be seen and get you an answer
Sorry to hear you are finding it hard to get hold of Ozempic @KD1984

There’s a little more about the shortages here:

Hi, has anyone been switched to a different medication with Ozempic being out of stock?

What we’re you switched too and how are you finding it?
I've been on 0.5mg for a couple of years but recently couldn't get any. A friendly pharmacist advised me to ask my doctor to prescribe the 0.25mg version as that's still available. I did that and now have several months in stock. Apparently it's frowned upon, but if you need it, and it works for you then I can't see why you should switch to another less effective medication.