Ozempic help!


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So this might sound like a silly question but I took my first dose of Ozempic yesterday - or at least I think i did.
When you have injected can you see that there is less medicine in the pen? I expected to see it go down and it doesn't appear to have done.
I was taking Trulicity which was much easier but it seems my skin started reacting to it so swapped.
Hopefully someone can put my mind at rest.
Thanks :)
Hi @Tr242
recently I’ve gone the other way from Ozempic over to Trulicity.
you will not see a huge movement through the level window, I hope you get on with Ozempic as well as I did.
You probably won't see it go down with the first dose but you will see it going down after that
Hi @Tr242
recently I’ve gone the other way from Ozempic over to Trulicity.
you will not see a huge movement through the level window, I hope you get on with Ozempic as well as I did.
Thank you. Hope Trulicity works for you