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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I have just found out that I have been referred to Oviva Diabetes Remission Programme. My diabetic nurse had not mentioned it when I spoke to her recently. I have done a little online research and it appears to be a plan of 12 weeks of shakes/soups followed by an reintroduction to food and support for 12 months.

My BMI when diagnosed late December was 41.7 and is now 38.7
Just wondered if anyone has done this or anything similar and what was your experience.

I have just found out that I have been referred to Oviva Diabetes Remission Programme. My diabetic nurse had not mentioned it when I spoke to her recently. I have done a little online research and it appears to be a plan of 12 weeks of shakes/soups followed by an reintroduction to food and support for 12 months.

My BMI when diagnosed late December was 41.7 and is now 38.7
Just wondered if anyone has done this or anything similar and what was your experience.
If you put Oviva in the search there are a lot of posts there, I believe @Kreator is a fan and it worked well for them.
I've just started it - it's simple if somewhat dull... (I'm only on my 5th day!) The app is very easy to use - but I think it would be difficult with just a computer rather than a smartphone.
So far, good support starting out - they check with your GP about BP & diabetic meds so you know what to do, and send you their own scales & blood glucose monitor (on loan) plus I think BP machine if you don't have one.
I'd tried Fast 800 using the recipe plan before but found it so much work plus my hubby didn't like most of the meals - this is at least really easy & frees time to do other things. Good luck!

I have just found out that I have been referred to Oviva Diabetes Remission Programme. My diabetic nurse had not mentioned it when I spoke to her recently. I have done a little online research and it appears to be a plan of 12 weeks of shakes/soups followed by an reintroduction to food and support for 12 months.

My BMI when diagnosed late December was 41.7 and is now 38.7
Just wondered if anyone has done this or anything similar and what was your experience.

Hope it goes well for you @Taz78

We have a quite few members who have had great success with various of the soup/shake interventions, including Oviva.

Good to hear you will get a good amount of support at the beginning. Hope it works well for you 🙂
I have also been referred this morning and would be very happy to hear how you are getting on/advice etc.
Do you have a smartphone? I'd imagine it's a bit tedious doing it without the App as you have to input things frequently during the day (the only available F2F in our area was at least 30 minutes cross-country drive away)

App is easy to use. I found the optional Teams info session before you start the TDR useful & there is plenty of stuff on the app. My links to order & equipment seemed to get delayed coming, but an email to the support team quickly sorted that out (incl a helpful follow-up call to check I was sorted)

Get the taster pack as soon as they send the link so you can try all the options - I really didn't like the chicken soup as it didn't really taste of chicken or much in fact, so went for the veg soup plus 3x different flavour shakes. When ordering your first 4 weeks it says you can't change flavours from those, so important to get it right!

So far (I'm only on Day 7, so not checked weight etc yet) so good. It's simple but unsurprisingly very boring.... Easier than trying to do Fast 800 preparing your own food though. Not a fan of fizzy drinks so am mostly having water as my extra fluids plus coffee.

Lots of useful info you can re-read in the Learn section & new stuff unlocks as you progress. Make sure to ask any questions either earlier by email or in your phone call as Oviva just gives you one call in person on the day you start your shakes, but I felt I have enough info that that's OK.

Good luck!
Thank you Bessie. I’m waiting for my log on details to be sent over but looking forward to beginning. Agree that it will be easier than trying to cook 800 coals a day.
It didn't take me long to get sorted out - 5 weeks from seeing the Practice Nurse for my 1st Diabetic Review & asking to be referred for TDR to starting the programme! Very efficient
Hi, I have not been online for some months. How are you both getting on?
I am just in week 6 so far.
Hi, I have not been online for some months. How are you both getting on?
I am just in week 6 so far.
Hi - I've just finished my 10th week (using the app) during which I've lost exactly 14kg so over 2 stone! Also 15cm (6") from my waist... officially just overweight now, not clinically obese, so I'm delighted.... now to try to keep going so I can get into the normal weight range. Hope you're doing well too
Hi - I've just finished my 10th week (using the app) during which I've lost exactly 14kg so over 2 stone! Also 15cm (6") from my waist... officially just overweight now, not clinically obese, so I'm delighted.... now to try to keep going so I can get into the normal weight range. Hope you're doing well too
That's amazing. I have lost 9kg and come of metformin. I have not measured my waist but i think I have dropped a dress size. Glad to hear it is going well for you.
Well done @Bessie and @Taz78 - brilliant!
Tbh I think if you're on the TDR and aren't losing weight (seeing as you have to have a BMI>27 to be eligible if White ethnic - it's >25 if Black or Asian as the diabetes risks are higher for them), then you are either drinking/eating extra calories that you aren't meant to (or basically not really moving at all but I think even that would let you move a tiny bit). Yes it's extremely boring, but it's easier than trying to cut back especially if you live with others who don't want to eat healthy options.
Tbh I think if you're on the TDR and aren't losing weight (seeing as you have to have a BMI>27 to be eligible if White ethnic - it's >25 if Black or Asian as the diabetes risks are higher for them), then you are either drinking/eating extra calories that you aren't meant to (or basically not really moving at all but I think even that would let you move a tiny bit). Yes it's extremely boring, but it's easier than trying to cut back especially if you live with others who don't want to eat healthy options.
This is true. I am a little concerned on how I will manage once food is re-introduced. However that is for some time in the future.
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