Overeating/hitting that bad diabetic button

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Come on own up do any of you do this? I do and am at this moment in time stuffing my face with anything and everything that comes my way. Am not 100% well at moment as you all know. I was ok today untill dinnertime when I was really good with cuppa soup and two rounds of toast, then came the celebrations 😱 Have also eaten crisps,2 cans coke. Measured my bg and its 12.2 which is low for me. Yes I can all hear you recoiling in horror. I know its bad for me but I dont care at all at moment. I have had enough of this diabetic cr*p, had enough of being ill.
Does anyone else ever feel like this or am I the only one. I know its a stupid silly thing to do, Im a so called smart person but Im hitting the bad diabetic button.
Worse thing I have got my diabetic appointment next Wednesday at hospital its with the one I call the nice consultant, hes always nice and asks about my mental health as well but I know hes not going tobe a happy bunny with me due to what I did last week. I dont think I have put any weight on nor have I lost any and I have a feeling that my HbA1c will have gone up from 9.9 (8.1 25/9/09 13.3 21/5/09). Wot the heck am not going to worry about it wots done is done.
Just hope Im not the only one who feels sod this being diabetic lark, not that I would wish it on anyone feeling in this mood but I guess it would be of some comfit to know Im not the only one who feels like this sometimes
There you go moan over😉
Gail id be lying if i said i dont get those kind of days, i just want to have a blow out and find anything in the fridge i have been avoiding and head straight for it, everytime i regret it .Honestly it has happened twice in a year and a half where i have really felt so low that i just wanted to do myself some damage, no diabetic can say they dont have those days im sure many in here have done, one thing i have never done since being dx is touch full fat coke though i have some kind of scaredness about ever going near it i dont know why because the choccy muffins and the greasy crisps will do me the same damage...All i can say is we are not angels and from time to time we do lapse its understandable surely.. x

P.s good luck for next Wednesday hun
I doubt whether there is anyone here who doesn't just let themselves go once in a while. The trick is to try and be a 'good bunny' for the times in between and to try and ensure the lapses are not too frequent.

My particular "binge of preference" are almond slices. They're so packed full of sugar, I might as well chomp my way through a bag of sugar! But, fortunately, the local shop has run out (I'm sure I didn't buy THAT many) and I've not been able to scratch that particular 'itch' recently! 🙂

But, despite my occasional binges, I'm a good chap the rest of the time and that really pays dividends in the end.

Good Luck Gail (you deserve a good smattering of that!),

As already said, there's probably those who do and those who lie about it !:D

My weakness is cheesecake. I have a small slice every now and then which keeps my inner demon subdued.

You can only do what you can do. As long as the bad side doesn't take over for long, you can make up for it.

.............Does anyone else ever feel like this or am I the only one. I know its a stupid silly thing to do, Im a so called smart person but Im hitting the bad diabetic button........................
Hi Gail - I'm sorry to have to tell you but no I don't do anything like that anymore these days.

Why? Quite simply because I want to keep well clear of the very nasty complications that can come a diabetic's way - i.e. blindness, kidney dialysis, amputations, heart disease etc. Also because I want to stick around to see my grandkids grow up and, moreover, be around to meet my greatgrandchildren when they come along.

Whether I will be able to manage to do all that then I just don't know but I'm certainly giving it my best shot!

Good luck - John
My weakness is chocolate!

It doesn't help, when you buy big tins of it and you KNOW it's there. I sneak some sometimes when nobody's looking and then I feel guilty. If they can't have any, then I shouldn't have any either.😱 And it would help me losing weight too.

Gail - from reading your previous posts I realise you have more than diabetes to deal with. You can't help being down and overeat. I completely agree with Rob. You can only do.......

All the best with your appointment next wednesday!
message from the human scone fiend


I get like that fairly often. It just annoys me when people at work are munching on cakes and chocolate with impunity, it seems to be the thing that cheers them up. People get rewarded for working hard with sweets and they often get handed out on a Thursday or Friday if it's been a rough week. It's like "Cheers for all your hard work folks, he's a token of our appriachiation (sorry, can't be bothered to spell that properly) for everyone except Rachel, who will have to settle for a pat on the back, coz she's diabetic." GRRRRR. Sometimes i'd love to fall off the wagon and stuff my face, but when i do, i only end up feeling bad about it because i know i could do better (this is partly me punishing me for being diabetic). If i'm at work when this happens i get a visit from the Diabetes Police, "hi Rachel, how are you today?" "Well, i was ok but my blood sugar's at 14.." "Why's that?" "Coz i overdid the scones again last night" "But you HAVE to be careful!!! You HAVE to watch what you eat you know?". GRrrrrrrrr.
Once i totally OD'ed on ice cream, that left me feeling ropey for 24 hours, that was just physically ropey, i felt guilty for a week.
As you may have noticed my choice of sugar/cake/chocolate substitute is scones. It'll win me no prizes with the low-carbers, but i'm not brave enough to ration chocolate...(i was a raving chocoholic before diagnosis, i thought it better to go cold turkey than try to reduce the ammount i ate, i think it's kind of worked, except for my scone dependacy. I had my first bag of maltesers in two years today...it was fabulous!
Scones or toast....i must be the only person i know who can feel guilty for eating too much toast...

The human scone fiend
Come on own up do any of you do this? I do and am at this moment in time stuffing my face with anything and everything that comes my way. Am not 100% well at moment as you all know. I was ok today untill dinnertime when I was really good with cuppa soup and two rounds of toast, then came the celebrations 😱 Have also eaten crisps,2 cans coke. Measured my bg and its 12.2 which is low for me. Yes I can all hear you recoiling in horror. I know its bad for me but I dont care at all at moment. I have had enough of this diabetic cr*p, had enough of being ill.
Does anyone else ever feel like this or am I the only one. I know its a stupid silly thing to do, Im a so called smart person but Im hitting the bad diabetic button.
Worse thing I have got my diabetic appointment next Wednesday at hospital its with the one I call the nice consultant, hes always nice and asks about my mental health as well but I know hes not going tobe a happy bunny with me due to what I did last week. I dont think I have put any weight on nor have I lost any and I have a feeling that my HbA1c will have gone up from 9.9 (8.1 25/9/09 13.3 21/5/09). Wot the heck am not going to worry about it wots done is done.
Just hope Im not the only one who feels sod this being diabetic lark, not that I would wish it on anyone feeling in this mood but I guess it would be of some comfit to know Im not the only one who feels like this sometimes
There you go moan over😉

Hi Gail, sorry to hear you are not feeling too good at the moment. I must admit i am going through exactly the same as you are at the moment, and i suffer with mental health problems too, so i know how you feel. I feel so guilty some days, eating things i know i shouldn't but i just can't help it. I am sooooo ****** off with diabetes at the moment. Anyway i just wanted to say ' take care ' and get back on the wagon when you can, which is what i plan to do.
hi gail ...just sending you hugs ...sorry to hear things have been a bit rough lately but those BG are SSSSOOOOOOOOO much better than a few months back when you were hitting the 30's all the time ...something must be working ...good luck x🙂
thanks guys for you posts it means a lot to me
We all lapse sometimes. My lapse atthe moment is a bag of Hand Made Buttery Fudge from M&S, but what I have on my lapse days depends what kind og mood I'm in too.

I hope you feel better, I'm sure the nice consultant will understand and be able to help you.
Keep trying all the time is my motto, but as and when (as they surely do) bad days happen, just accept it and then the next morning get back on the straight and narrow. It is a bit like golf I think in that you cannot make up for the last shot, with a good next shot, you just have to accept where you are at the start of each day and go from there.

It is no good feeling down about it again in the morning or, if you are like me and comfort eas when feeling low, you will be destined to repeat it. So PMA time and remember to start each day GUILT FREE from yesterday and just start again. It may be a lifetime condition, but one day at a time is the only way for me.

Chin up,

hi gail. i think were all quilty of falling of the wagan at times. ive did it quite a few times and ive only been diginosed 6mths ago, but im trying very hard, the worse thing for me is when family an friends are having chocolate, crisps etc without a thought and i think back to when i was able to do that aswel, now if i even have a square of choccy i feel so quilty.
your not alone on this hun.
hope your appointment goes well next week.
take care xxx
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