Overdosed on my Levemir

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning all.
I need some quick advice.
I was out last night for a meal which finished at 11pm, which is when i normallt take my levemir so i took both my insulins at that time to save me hassle later on, BUT when i got home and in bed at 2am i tested my bloods and they were high so i got out my insulin to take a corrective dose but after that point i seemed to have completly forgotten what i was doing.
Instead, i managed to take another whole dose of my Levemir!! So i've actually taken double my does for the day!

My sugars were 15.4 before bed hence wanting the corrective.
Didin't take any novorapid cos i knew what would happen.
sugars were 3.5 at 6.30am and at 8.45am were 6.2.
just having my breakfast and trying to decide how much novorapid to take.

Any suggestions please??????!!!!!!!

I'm on a 2:1 ratio so for 50g carbs of my bagel and nutella🙂 i would normally take 10 units of novo. Thinking of taking 7 ( a 1.5:1 ratio). what do you think?
You and Gail should get together - she forgot to take hers! I think it's a sensible reduction of your novorapid - you don't want to reduce too much because even with the extra levemir, it's only going to be released very slowly. Your waking levels seemed fine, but best to keep a close eye on things and test frequently - maybe keep topping things up with sips of lucozade or similar through the day if you find you are slipping low? Hope things go OK 🙂
You and Gail should get together - she forgot to take hers! I think it's a sensible reduction of your novorapid - you don't want to reduce too much because even with the extra levemir, it's only going to be released very slowly. Your waking levels seemed fine, but best to keep a close eye on things and test frequently - maybe keep topping things up with sips of lucozade or similar through the day if you find you are slipping low? Hope things go OK 🙂

Maybe Northerner is right and we should get together lol
Theres great advise here only thing I would add is maybe if you are concerned is ti give NHS direct or your out of hours GP a call. Hope you are ok today, keep us posted
take care
Thanks Northie.
I forgot to mention the the large amount of skittles i ate at 6.30am to get my sugars up, which did last me quite well. I'm at home most of the day so i can take it easy too and test regularly just in case.

I feel like poo:( but it might jusy be because i'm worried. never made this type of mistake before, feel silly!

And thanks gail too, i might do that later if i have any trouble.
Thanks Northie.
I forgot to mention the the large amount of skittles i ate at 6.30am to get my sugars up, which did last me quite well. I'm at home most of the day so i can take it easy too and test regularly just in case.

I feel like poo:( but it might jusy be because i'm worried.

The stress will help keep your levels up 😱 I've read quite a few tales of people taking their NR instead of levemir, which brings very different problems, but shorter duration as you can just gobble the appropriate amount of carbs.
just to update. BS was 6.2 at 12pm and then 3.6 at 12.45pm.
treated the hypo and then had some lunch of 60g carbs and took 8 units. probably should have taken less but i'm going to be at home until this evening so hopefully i'll have sorted myself out a bit more by then.

feeling quite poorly now too. got the shakes and feel quite sick. i've probably brought the symptoms on myself from worry. I might go and have a cheeky nap 🙂
Oops! Hope you don't feel rubbish for too long, I guess it's lucky you're at home, just test away!

Take care

Oops, Fran - don't feel silly. I'm sure we've all done things like that over the years. I've managed to totally forget to take my humalog before a meal a couple of times. My friend took his short acting instead of long acting and spent the morning hypo! It's not just you, it's just life!!

Hope you soon feel better, I expect you are right in that it is the stress making you feel unwell. It will sort itself out, but unfortunately it takes all day before you can truly get back on track.

All the best xx
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