Overcoming ‘Not good enough’


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a really good appointment last week, since changing to Lyumjev things are going well- I know! say it quietly. HCL combined with Lyumjev seems to suit me so far. There were just a few things I needed help with, my correction factor with Lyumjev needs to be 1u to 9 or 10 as it’s so rapid and efficient, plus issues with a few rapid hypos scattered around. Otherwise all good.

I still give myself a hard time. It’s inbuilt since being diagnosed in the ‘70’s when Drs were pretty blunt & terrified me about what about could happen. I struggled through the 80’s & 90’s with a T1 eating disorder & consequent complications. For years I was told ‘not good enough’, pull your socks up, you’re looking for trouble. I used to avoid clinics as I couldn’t face the criticism and didn’t have a way to make things better until blood glucose testing & MDI became available

I can see my 24 hour data now with access to the amazing tech developments & am well aware of my results before I attend appointments but I still doubt my abilities to do diabetes. I’m getting better than I was but still struggle to accept I’m doing ok. Wish I could overcome it.
Goodness @Flower , I'm so sorry to hear about the fearmongering that had been happening when you were diagnosed. It's easy to say that 'times have changed' and that hopefully such attitudes are no longer the case in clinics, when you had been hearing the opposite of that for a long time. Back in the day the prognosis for people used to be quite grim as well, but as I'm sure you've already seen - we have a lot of Users who have been diagnosed with T1 in the 80s, 70s and even before. A lot of them as well having been told very negative things, until they found ways of taking care of their health. You ARE doing good enough. You're taking care of yourself, being proactive in tracking your results, finding ways to give yourself some piece of mind and you're doing it each and every single day. You're also here, supporting other members of the community, sharing your experience and comforting others. So don't be hard on yourself, I'd say you're doing more than ok for yourself <3
I really wish nurses and consultants could read things like this and understand just how important their approach to the patient and their mental attitude is.
I am sure that you are not alone in feeling like this @Flower and we see many members still joining the forum who face similar negativity from their HCPs, perhaps more so with Type 2 diabetes. It is a failing on the part of those doctors and nurses who made you feel like this and not a failing on your part. I must confess that I initially felt a bit like this when I was newly diagnosed even though my nurses were really encouraging and the consultant was OK, but for me, being a member of this forum has given me both the knowledge (knowledge is power) and more importantly confidence to know that I am doing well..... OK ... and Libre helps A LOT too.
I am so incredibly grateful to the people here on this forum who shared their knowledge and practical experience as this has given me that mindset and as someone who struggles with confidence in many aspects of life, I really feel like I have my diabetes mostly 🙄 under my thumb.
I really wish you had had that support and encouragement from the start @Flower as I very much think that your outcome would have been very different to the struggles with complications you now have. Sending (((HUGS))) although you really should not need them because you do incredibly well considering your circumstances and you are an inspiration to us all.
I’m getting better than I was but still struggle to accept I’m doing ok. Wish I could overcome it.

Oh @Flower I’m so sorry with all the unfair stigma and pressure you have been put under. :(

Glad you are able to see some small improvements, and a slight move towards accepting how amazingly you are doing, and how well you are dealing with all that this wretched, unfair, disease has thrown your way :(
Thank you! My current clinic is very good and has helped me so much with the problems I’ve got.

Thank goodness attitudes in clinics have changed over the decades. When I was diagnosed in the 70’s as a young girl I had to do as I was told or else, it wasn’t a kind understanding environment. I still find it hard to accept I’m doing ok even though I can see I am. Work in progress 🙂