Out of interest Blood Pressure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Do you also monitor your blood pressure too?
I take mine twice a day along with: body temperature, pulse, oxygen saturation, and, of course, Blood Glucose. I have done so since diagnosis three yeats ago.

I also record wellness, happiness and pain scores but these have proved less useful. These are broken down into many sepatate parts to identify what I thought would be useful.

Graphs of these always help when I talk to consultants, registrars, nurses at reviews and appointments.
Yep - most important measure for me.
Once a week.
OK - I only take amlodipine and homemade beetroot juice. Doc had prescribed another tablet. But due to past issues with BP meds I was afraid to take it. Might have to as my readings are on average 160s/100/73
OK - I only take amlodipine and homemade beetroot juice. Doc had prescribed another tablet. But due to past issues with BP meds I was afraid to take it. Might have to as my readings are on average 160s/100/73
Taking two different BP meds is the usual thing when it's high. I'd really encourage you to talk to yr doc about your previous issues & how they relate to your current prescription, if you haven't already. There's a pretty wide range of different meds to try.

Anyway, getting your BP under control is super-important, maybe a bigger deal than BG.
OK - I only take amlodipine and homemade beetroot juice. Doc had prescribed another tablet. But due to past issues with BP meds I was afraid to take it. Might have to as my readings are on average 160s/100/73
Sometimes it takes a bit of fiddling about with blood pressure medication as some don't suit everybody, I had my amlodipine increased from 5mg to 10mg and it made me feel weird and had swollen ankles so I went back to 5mg and had candesartan 2mg low dose added but blood pressure was going a bit low so stopped the candesartan. Move on a year or so and ankles and legs swelling and blood pressure gone up so taken off the amlodipine and now on 8mg candesartan only, legs fine and blood pressure very erratic, sometimes fine, sometimes high, sometimes low so gave up checking as it was stressing me out.
If you try the other ones then if you get side effects then you should go back and they can try something else as your blood pressure does seem a rather high.
Yes but not religiously, just when I think about it. I keep a note of the result in the glucose app. It rather handily has a BP entry as well.

When I was really overweight, I was borderline high BP and came close to having to start tablets. The weight has now gone, along with the high BP 🙂
My blood pressure is only taken at my annual review.
The only time it has been high is when I ran to the appointment and when another doctor caused severe pain (unrelated to diabetes and not necessary to discuss here).

As it has been fine every other time, I have never felt the need to monitor it at home.
Yes and heart rate as suffer with tachycardia
Me too. I've been feeling more tired over the last few months, and by coincidence had a diabetes review a couple of weeks ago and really noticed my heart beating (even though I'd taken a bus to it and sat for a few minutes in the waiting room so I was pretty relaxed). My heart rate was ~140 bpm.

Anyway, I've been referred (so I'm expecting more ECGs and things which'll probably show nothing except a high heart rate). And I've got higher dose beta blockers which really seem to be working: I'm sleeping much better and feel much more normal (danced on Sunday for much of the 4 hour social dance and felt tired in a normal aching legs way).

Now I look back on Fitbit (this being one of the things it measures but that I've been ignoring) my heart rate seems to have been 65-150 on many days (even when I'm not doing a whole lot).

(It's probably another autoimmune disease messing with my thyroid, but so far the blood tests are inconclusive.)
I check mine rather intermittently. I might go a couple of months not thinking about it and then check a few days in a row and then weekly and then back to not checking again until I want a repeat prescription of HRT and I have to supply result. Not on any BP meds and BP is at the higher end of normal and has been for years. Very occasionally I get one just slips over into the amber zone but if I recheck it a couple of minutes later it is back in the green. The machine says my average is 129/77. Resting heart rate is usually 60-65, very occasionally high 50s. I probably should be more diligent about regular checks.
Twice-a-week measurements for me, and fortunately I've never had a problem, that is until I saw a
doctor last week and she has booked me down for an ECG because I'd said I get pain in my chest
on occasions. Can't wait.!!
Me too. I've been feeling more tired over the last few months, and by coincidence had a diabetes review a couple of weeks ago and really noticed my heart beating (even though I'd taken a bus to it and sat for a few minutes in the waiting room so I was pretty relaxed). My heart rate was ~140 bpm.

Anyway, I've been referred (so I'm expecting more ECGs and things which'll probably show nothing except a high heart rate). And I've got higher dose beta blockers which really seem to be working: I'm sleeping much better and feel much more normal (danced on Sunday for much of the 4 hour social dance and felt tired in a normal aching legs way).

Now I look back on Fitbit (this being one of the things it measures but that I've been ignoring) my heart rate seems to have been 65-150 on many days (even when I'm not doing a whole lot).

(It's probably another autoimmune disease messing with my thyroid, but so far the blood tests are inconclusive.)
Sorry you are going through so much, I use the Fitbit too and an oximetry device to check my readings, hope they checking you out further, I had scans etc this year but apparently my tachycardia issues are triggered by pain and not serious heart disease but my beta blocker does t control them even when I take a dose when they hit 160bpm. Really hope you feel less tired soon, I long for sleep, I rarely sleep before 2/3am, please take care.
I check mine now and again , but I do it once a day for the week before my annual review so I can show my dsn . I do this as I suffer from " white coat syndrome " and my blood pressure always goes higher when I'm in with Doctors or Nurses .
I check mine now and again , but I do it once a day for the week before my annual review so I can show my dsn . I do this as I suffer from " white coat syndrome " and my blood pressure always goes higher when I'm in with Doctors or Nurses .
Mine does as well as there is always something that irritates me and gets me annoyed from the blood pressure machines being awkward to use, people being shouted at on the phone by the receptionists, people's children being allowed to run riot, etc, etc.
My doctor said I had borderline high BP (147/82 from memory) Oddly he's at the top of a 9% 600 meter hill which I walked up for the appointment!
Anyway bought a BP monitor (Omron X7) which syncs with an app and have been taking readings twice a day (mornings & evening) for about 6 months. Average over that time is 121/60 with a resting heartrate of 37 via garmin watch.
Would like a CGM but can't really justify the cost. Judging by there popularity not just with those that need them but with the lifestyle crowd I suspect the cost will come down to a more reasonable level over the next few years.
But, according to my tracker watch. I comes up as in the normal range
apparently my tachycardia issues are triggered by pain
Mine started (or at least was first noticed) about a decade ago, and after quite a bit of testing (ECG on a treadmill, testing a day's worth of urine, etc.) they couldn't find anything, so I was put on a daily beta blocker (very low dose which one GP called a paediatric dose and the other a homeopathic dose) but it seemed adequate. I'm guessing I'll be doing similar tests again, and I'm guessing the results will be similar.

I do worry a bit that this might just be me getting older and less fit, but there's no way I should be at ~150 bpm most days. 120, sure, when I'm walking quickly (which is how I normally walk) or dancing, and maybe a bit above that when I'm dancing.
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