Out of curiousity

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just wondering how it works when it comes to driving and type 1 diabetes... will my insurance rise if they know I have it?
And also are u entitled to a car with type 1?
Your insurance will be void if you don't declare it.
T1 does not entitle you to a car just for having the condition. Could potentially be different for people with serious complications but on it's own, no.
Your insurance will be void if you don't declare it.
T1 does not entitle you to a car just for having the condition. Could potentially be different for people with serious complications but on it's own, no.
Okay I will let them know thanks!
You are required to inform DVLA that you have T1 and are treated with insulin. You then have to renew your license every three years. You get a reminder, and fill in some forms about any changes that may have happened over that time.

Having a hypo whilst driving would be very dangerous, and we are rightly required to test no more than 1 hour before we drive and then every two hours on route. Your BG should be 5 or more, and I was told that I should not drive within 45 minutes of having a hypo (although I met someone else with T1 which had never been told that so not sure if that is certainly erected, had weaver it seems a good idea).

My insurance was not affected, but it certainly would be if I had an accident due to a hypo. In fact it can be classed as driving under the influence of drugs.
You must declare to DVLA. As long as they issue you with a licence (usually 3, 2 or 1 years), then you have an approved licence. That's what your insurers need to know. Make sure you know the guidance about when to test and what levels are needed when driving.
Cars through Motability are only available to people who have Higher Rate Mobility of Disability Living Allowance or Enhanced Rate Mobility of Personal Independence Payment, which is very unlikely for someone with type 1 diabetes, unless they also have other health problems or complications.
Personally, I drive my own car, when appropriate, but cycling 5 miles each way to work and cycling 2 miles each way to orienteering tonight is more convenient, cheaper, better for my health and the environment, plus means I can have a beer in pub afterwards.
I hope you don't cycle when you've been drinking, Copepod ! If you don't consider yourself capable of driving a car when you've had a beer - then you are absolutely not capable of cycling either!

Edit - unless of course you are one of these people who thinks it's alright to cycle along pavements?
I hope you don't cycle when you've been drinking, Copepod ! If you don't consider yourself capable of driving a car when you've had a beer - then you are absolutely not capable of cycling either!

Edit - unless of course you are one of these people who thinks it's alright to cycle along pavements?
The only pavements on which I cycle are shared use ones, and then with care and at reasonable speed. I've fallen off when braking and skidding on a cycle lane (because of loose gravel) to avoid a pedestrian walking off a bus with face in their phone.
A friend was very clear about cycling to the pub instead of driving if he wanted a drink. He would then walk his bike home. One day he came into school very grazed. He was so much worse for wear the night before, had sensibly walked his bike, but managed to fall over the pedal!!
A friend was very clear about cycling to the pub instead of driving if he wanted a drink. He would then walk his bike home. One day he came into school very grazed. He was so much worse for wear the night before, had sensibly walked his bike, but managed to fall over the pedal!!
Hopefully not a pupil! 😱 🙂
I should be very clear that if I intend to drink any alcohol at all, then I don't drive. I usually drink only 1 pint of real ale in an evening, which would probably be below the level for driving, so that's legal for cycling. However I won't drive if I've drunk within last 6 hours. Worst incident was coming out of pub after orienteering running group Christmas meal with 1 beer to find my bike lock was frozen and couldn't be opened. Fortunately a couple of friends (one drank, one drove) had a can of anti freeze spray in their boot.
Safely home after cycling about 3 miles each way, orienteering (on foot) for 45 minutes, then a couple of hours debriefing (chatting about techniques) over 1 pint of 3.5% ale. Cycling, orienteering, chatting and beer all in one night = one happy Copepod 🙂
That sounds like a very good day to me Copepod. If you work for it tastes better 🙂
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