Our pump is poorly!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Pump has been playing up a bit over the last few days - just seemed like buttons were a bit sticky if you know what I mean! Didn't realise how often it was happening as there were quite a few of us using it but last night it refused to let us do anything at all and all day been working intermittently. Still delivering basal, and bolus when it lets you in though was back to injection for lunch.So some poor soul is en route to snowy Lanarkshire from London since 9 am this morning with a replacement. Can't argue with that service. 🙂
That will be good service when it arrives ! 🙂
Fingers crossed pumpy arrives soon for you and Ben. As you say very good service and it's nice to hear about the good service.
Well that's it arrived safely and all hooked up so hopefully things will go smoothly now!
So pleased the pump has arrived to your home safe, fab service x
Hi, must say it is reasurring to hear your pump was promptly replaced, hope everything is running smoothly now 🙂
Good to hear of such great customer service!

Which pump Hanmill's mum?
Millie's on the Medtronic Veo - is Ben the same ?
Ooops, meant to ask Ruth that question! LOL
Yeah it's the Medtronic veo . All going well with new one - customer services were very helpful. X
I'd heard about Medtronic's fab customer service in the past, but it'sgreat to watch it in action!

Glad you have your new pump now.
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