ouch my shoulder hurt

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've recently been on crutches due to my on-going foot problems, over the last couple of days my arms and shoulders have really hurt. joy of joys :D on hte plus side - my foot is feeling a lot better now and doesn't hurt 1/2 as much as it once did.
I found that when I broke my leg Simon, although I was lucky to have some continental crutches that just have a half-cup to fit under the forearm, not like NHS ones that you have to put your arm through. When I had to use those I was always sitting down and nearly wrenching my arm out of its socket!

Great to hear that the foot is feeling much better - how much longer have you got to wear the big boot for? Hey - you'll like this one: my big toenail is turning black and may eventually come off! 🙂
i dropped the boot a while ago - it was causing me more pain than i felt it was worth. oh no what's happened to your nail?? the crutches are great - but i think one you had would probably be better :D
I've been running a lot lately, so it's probably just got a bit banged around from that. Doesn't look like yours did though! 😱 😉
hahaha :D mine was okay - went white not black :D
hehehe no idea :D i think mine was just mad :D
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