ouch foot pains :( made me cry

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last night, my feet started to really really hurt, so much so I cant even describe the pain. I was in floods of tears, shooting pains and tingles. Matt was no help whatsoever. Checled my sugars and they were 2.6. Nursey said all this could be because I'm getting my levels under control, but last night scared me.

I'm considering a call to nhs direct today as the ole GP isn't about. And tomorrow making an emergency appointment with the GP nurse person.

Any ideas? I'm terrified this is some form of nueropathy
Hiya salmonpuff!
Sorry to hear you we're in so much pain last night, it is horrible when there is little to be done about it! I too had pains in my feet a few nights ago, although it seemed to be only slight and under my big toenail, so quite isolated really, not sure if that is diabetic whatsit! And obviously i'm no doctor so can't comment on your pains but deffo worth investigating! What I suppose i'm interested in is if you are in the midst of bringing your sugars down from being quite high like I am? I am running at 20plus but recently been controlling a little better, i'm putting my pains down to the control issues, wondered if our pains were something in common!
Anywho, hope you are feeling better today and for future days too! Maybe let us know how you get on at the doc's? It is worrying about nerve damage, frightens the hell outta me!x
Hiya salmonpuff!
Sorry to hear you we're in so much pain last night, it is horrible when there is little to be done about it! I too had pains in my feet a few nights ago, although it seemed to be only slight and under my big toenail, so quite isolated really, not sure if that is diabetic whatsit! And obviously i'm no doctor so can't comment on your pains but deffo worth investigating! What I suppose i'm interested in is if you are in the midst of bringing your sugars down from being quite high like I am? I am running at 20plus but recently been controlling a little better, i'm putting my pains down to the control issues, wondered if our pains were something in common!
Anywho, hope you are feeling better today and for future days too! Maybe let us know how you get on at the doc's? It is worrying about nerve damage, frightens the hell outta me!x

Hiya Suze

Yeah when I saw the nurse the other day she said the tingly feet thing could be from getting my levels under control. At Uni I was running so high for so long and only really started sorting myself out back in June, so this could be why its happening. I never checked my blood while I was at Uni, and my HBA1C (when i got it done) was almost at 9% and I'd get a hell of a lot of downstairs infections because of it (specialist said it was because of constantly high levels) :(

I think a call to nhs direct later is in order. As well as an appt with the docs tomorrow. I'm not at work today because of last night and I've told them I'll keep them informed about tomorrow too.

I guess my health is more important than serving people chicken
That is bizarre, it does sound very similar to me. Although I never went to uni, I still hated being a 20 year old with this imposing illness! But as I,m 28 now and thinkin about family and things, it was time to sort it, and like you only been sorting since July! I can't imagine how it would have been at uni with diabetes, everyone else being carefree yet heathly! I probably would have been very bitter...a grumpy old woman before my time!
So if we're both bringing our sugars down (my last hba1c was 10%!eek!) maybe it is a way of the body adjusting, like the eyes and blurry vision...I have to sit with my nose pressed upon the telly! It seems like your doing the right thing my checking it out and too right about work, your health is far more important and if you leave it you maybe off work for longer which would put your boss out more! Sundays are for chilling anyway!x
You could be on to something with that idea. Before diagnosis I had very few problems, since I've been on the drugs though, and since my levels have been falling, I've been getting fairly mild pins and needles in my hands and feet most days, and occasional cramps in my right foot. That's on my list of things to talk to the DSN about tomorrow.

Sam, if it happens again, I'd certainly call someone, that level of pain needs dealt with soonest. I hope you're feeling better today.

I have chronic neuropathy, it's there all the time and is unremitting. If this is the first time you've noticed these pains and they were so severe so as to upset you so much, it is very unlikely to be neuropathy as you would have noticed a more gradual deterioration of your feet. If you haven't noticed this deteriotion or really paid not much heed to it, it is a fact that as your bloods become more stable, any neuropathy present WILL perceptably get worse until it dies away to practically nothing at all as your level's improve. Perhaps I can help a little by asking you a few questions.

Please describe the pains, are they still with you or not or have they subsided to an almost pleasant tingling. Is there any numbness in your toes etc.

Were they: a. Burning
b. Shooting/stabbing
c. Unbearable pins & needles.

Or perhaps a combination of one or more.

Were they: a. Isolated to one part of your feet.
b. Randomly spread from your toes to your ankles.
c. Uncertain as they were masked by over all neuralga

Place your feet in a basin of cold water, do you perceive a noticeable change in temperature as you should or is it bearly noticable.

I'm pretty sure what you have described may be some form of cellulitis, simply treated with anti-biotics, but do not hesitate in treating this as urgent and go to the doctors as soon as you can. Let me know as to you progress.

I have chronic neuropathy, it's there all the time and is unremitting. If this is the first time you've noticed these pains and they were so severe so as to upset you so much, it is very unlikely to be neuropathy as you would have noticed a more gradual deterioration of your feet. If you haven't noticed this deteriotion or really paid not much heed to it, it is a fact that as your bloods become more stable, any neuropathy present WILL perceptably get worse until it dies away to practically nothing at all as your level's improve. Perhaps I can help a little by asking you a few questions.

Please describe the pains, are they still with you or not or have they subsided to an almost pleasant tingling. Is there any numbness in your toes etc.

Were they: a. Burning
b. Shooting/stabbing
c. Unbearable pins & needles.

Or perhaps a combination of one or more.

Were they: a. Isolated to one part of your feet.
b. Randomly spread from your toes to your ankles.
c. Uncertain as they were masked by over all neuralga

Place your feet in a basin of cold water, do you perceive a noticeable change in temperature as you should or is it bearly noticable.

I'm pretty sure what you have described may be some form of cellulitis, simply treated with anti-biotics, but do not hesitate in treating this as urgent and go to the doctors as soon as you can. Let me know as to you progress.


to answer your question, the pains were like all over. My heels were very very sensitive to the touch. And there was definitely shooting pains and there was a sort of burning sensation. Not sure as ive never felt it before. And the pins and needles were bloody awful, hence the crying :(

I've noticed recently my feet have been tingling a bit. And whenever my BGS were stupidly high a couple of toes went numb which was a bit wierd. This morning, its practically nothing just the odd tingle but when i got out of bed it was pretty bad til i started walking around.

to answer your question, the pains were like all over. My heels were very very sensitive to the touch. And there was definitely shooting pains and there was a sort of burning sensation. Not sure as ive never felt it before. And the pins and needles were bloody awful, hence the crying :(

I've noticed recently my feet have been tingling a bit. And whenever my BGS were stupidly high a couple of toes went numb which was a bit wierd. This morning, its practically nothing just the odd tingle but when i got out of bed it was pretty bad til i started walking around.

I'm not a doctor, I just have a lot of experience in this area, so I'm only suggesting this.

You have described classic neuropathy symptoms, especially when you related it to when your BGS was high and also this morning when you got up and about and it subsided with activity. As I said before, as your BGS become more stable, any neuropathy present will get noticeably worse but quite quickly die away. Obviously you must therefore maintain a good BS to prevent any further damage. Do treat this as urgent and go to the doctor as soon as possible. It is a lovely autumn day, as walking is excellent for any form of neuropathy, why don't you switch off your computer then you and Matt put your woolies on, find a nice park some where and scuff through the leaves til your cheeks get nice and rosey. Go for a nice coffee somewhere, have a nice dinner and then cuddle up to a favourite movie.
I'm not a doctor, I just have a lot of experience in this area, so I'm only suggesting this.

You have described classic neuropathy symptoms, especially when you related it to when your BGS was high and also this morning when you got up and about and it subsided with activity. As I said before, as your BGS become more stable, any neuropathy present will get noticeably worse but quite quickly die away. Obviously you must therefore maintain a good BS to prevent any further damage. Do treat this as urgent and go to the doctor as soon as possible. It is a lovely autumn day, as walking is excellent for any form of neuropathy, why don't you switch off your computer then you and Matt put your woolies on, find a nice park some where and scuff through the leaves til your cheeks get nice and rosey. Go for a nice coffee somewhere, have a nice dinner and then cuddle up to a favourite movie.

Thank you :D

I'm gunna try and get an emergency appointment at the surgery tomorrow, because I don't really want to wait two weeks to see the doc. But I'l;l let you know how it goes.

I must admit, this has only really started since my sugars have gotten into what they should be. For the past few days I haven't really seen anything above 8 so maybe my body is just yelling its congratulations at me in a strange way!

That sounds like a fabulous plan :D I might go for a wander down to the park later on!!!
Awww, Badbetacell, you sound lovely!

Sam, I hope your feet are feeling much better now.

I hope you are feeling better. Any unexplained pain is worth getting checked out. If it is so bad you can't wait till the doctor is open, go to A&E. They will at least be able to have a look and reassure you there is nothing wrong or you can have something for it.
Emergency appointment with the GP at 9.30 this morning. I'm not sure what to say to him really...hello, my feet were really hurting the other night and whenever I wake up they tingle like mad and pretty much all the time at the moment they tingle but not so much to notice?

hi ya.. i can totally relate too you... it is horrible. if it is neuropathy... mail me if you wanna chat about it mdears... x
back from the docs

they seemed really worried. Checked my feet, still got all the feeling in them, but the tingling as they were doing it was driving me nuts. They reckon its a transient nueropathy and will go away on its own once my control is steadily more stable than it has been, but I'm doing the right thing with keeping my levels down.

They also butchered my arm for an HBA1C, and are referring me to the RSH as a matter of urgency,

I feel numb, I feel sick. I've phoned work and said if they want me in today for a bit, I'll go in. But apparently its up to me. I don't know if I'm up to it. I feel so so weepy its unreal.

hi ya.. i can totally relate too you... it is horrible. if it is neuropathy... mail me if you wanna chat about it mdears... x

Thanks Lee, you're an angel x
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Wowser, not good stuff, hope you sort it out soon Sam, and thanks for posting this episode, a little lesson to us all.

Thanks and take care

Oh lor Sam, I hope the appointment comes through soon. How are you feeling now?
Well it sounds as though you have a really good GP! yay, that makes a nice change 😉 I'm glad they are taking it seriously and looking after you.

Hope you feel better soon x
yeah they were pretty good about it, but said at the moment they couldn't really do anything. All I could do was have good levels and itd probably go away on its own. I still went to work for a couple of hours and all the while my feet were going


I got some strange looks waving my foot about ha!!

Waiting on a call back from my DSN, gunna see what she says. I'm not sure how long the appointment to see the clinic consultant will take, so I kind of want to talk to someone in the know.

At least I got my HBA1C done too
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