Other types of diabetes

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi folks, it’s been a while since I posted. Sorry for my absence.

I’ve just had my annual type 2 check. Hba1c down to 38mmol/mol. Great news. Agreed to stop taking gliclazide, keep on with metformin and retest hba1c in 3 months. In the meantime keep monitoring at home too.

When I was diagnosed 8 months ago, at 35 years old, my hba1c was 135. Since then I’ve lost about 20kgs in weight and gone to a much lower carb diet around 130 to 150g carbs per day and increased my protein in take too.

The nurse said that I wasn’t a typical t2 case and should be aware there are rarer types of diabetes that are particularly sensitive to gliclazide and the initial type 2 diagnosis may not be right. She couldn’t elaborate on what these types might be.

Anyone got any ideas? It doesn’t sound like type 1.5 or 3c. But not sure if there are others.
@MrBuzz Here we are:

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