Osborne 'raiding' NHS budget to fund income tax cuts

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Chancellor George Osborne has been accused of "raiding" the NHS budget to help fund the cut in the top rate of income tax.

Figures reveal ?500m of ?900m unallocated funding from 2011-2012 will be returned to the Treasury.

The Department of Health said the underspend was due to unexpected efficiencies in capital projects.

Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham said the government was giving tax cuts to millionaires and P45s to nurses.

A reduction in planned spending by the health service was disclosed in Treasury figures following Wednesday's budget.

It follows a ?900m underspend in 2011/12, of which ?400m has been rolled over into the 2012/13 budget.

Im not aware of nurses recieving P45's and what is the point of such large sums sitting doing nothing? that andy burnham is the single biggest hypocitical politician i have ever had the misfortune to set my eyea upon.

His party were going to cut the NHS budget under palns he proposed.
Boys! Boys!
Some things get to me Hazel the conservatives are now ACUALLY being critised for increasing the budget too much. The only party that promised to carry on and increase spending, it's a shame that it wasn't all spent but at leats it was there.

It is also annoying that people that need thing like test strips are being denied them when there is a huge budget surplus.
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