Orlistat - anyone got experience of this?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I've a lot of weight to lose (2 babies & a lack of self discipline!!!)...the doc has mentioned Orlistat, which sounds pretty awful with the flatulence, urgent need for loos etc, but also worrying on the side effects list were mentioned hypoglycemia & hyperthyroidism, which being diabetic with an underactive thyroid worried me... has anyone any experience of this tablet?...

I know the basic equation applies, calories in vs calories out, it's just very hard to try & achieve good control, wrangle, feed etc baby & toddler & cook/eat healithy & find time to exercise - day times are manic & by the time we've got the kids settled & eaten it's usually 9pm & too tired to exercise! 😱 I don't expect these to be a miracle solution, but I was wondering if it might be a helping hand? Any thoughts?...

Thanks for any suggestions!
I was given Orlistat a few years ago and it really didn't agree with me. You really have to cut fat out of your diet because they basically do it if you don't and the results are not pleasant. 😱
hello Twitchy, i'm the one that posted the original thread about Xenical (orlistat) which Northerner has very kindly pointed out. I am taking one pill of Xenical at the moment after my main eve meal but i am also calorie counting and doing excercise to help speed up my weight loss so i am combining everything together. I don't want to be on them for very long as they do have some unpleasant side effects but i just need to 'kick start' my weight loss regime as i have put 10lbs on since my last visit with the DN in January. I have abour 5 stone to lose in total to achieve my 'goal weight' according to what the medics say you should be but i know it's going to be a long hard battle with pitfalls along the way but the main thing is not to give up - i will get there with willpower and determination 🙂
I was prescribed this by my diabetes consultant some years ago in an effort to aid weight loss so I guess it is OK - I was (and still) on Metformin.

They didn't agree with me at all - made me feel quite sick even though I was watching my fat intake but not everyone gets one with everything do they! Just giving my experience🙂 I stopped using them quite quickly.
Thanks for your replies!

They do sound a bit horrendous... esp when considering I will be wrangling baby & toddler... might be the yuk factor I need to get me motivated though! 😱

Thanks again,

Twitchy x
I took them for a while and did lose a bit. You have to cut out as much fat from your diet to avoid the awful side effects. I think they are helpful if you follow the rules exactly.
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