orienteering, diabetes & pump thread

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Pumpers might enjoy "orienteering, diabetes & pump" thread in Exercise section. You show me your jelly babies, I'll show you my pump....
Hi Copepod,

I am being dim here but where is it.🙂Bev
Thanks Margie.

I'm back briefly (3 split shifts of work today), but I thought giving the section name would help people to find it - ironically, given the navigation topic, I was wrong. 🙄
Thanks Margie.

I'm back briefly (3 split shifts of work today), but I thought giving the section name would help people to find it - ironically, given the navigation topic, I was wrong. 🙄

Hi Copepod,

I dont ever look down at the bottom of the site - which is why I didnt realise that this section was there - hence my reply.🙂Bev
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