Organiser bag for diabetes first aid kit and other stuff?

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Relationship to Diabetes
I am looking to buy a small organiser bag my husband @Busdriver60 could carry without hassle when he's out and about, for example working (if he has a job), travelling or attending karate. Would anyone please recommend one that is most suitable for this purpose?
Hi @GracefulAng It depends what he wants to put in it. Diabetes U.K. have a selection here:

and there are various colours here:

You can also find some on Amazon, or he could just use a normal bag or a pencil case, etc. Do make sure he checks any bag will fit everything he wants to carry as they have different ‘slots’ and are organised in different ways.
I use a 1.1L tupperware-type plastic food container for my 'diabetes kit', which admittedly needs to be put in whatever bag I am carrying around. Much of the contents is/are now semi-redundant with the wearing of Libre 2 [plus] sensors, but the insulin pen and needles, and my tubes of Love Hearts for a quick sugar hit, are still quite necessary!
I just use a muti compartment back (or day) pack designed for a laptop & peripherals. I know where everything is when I need access to it.
I have a bag I use for my stuff at home but when I got out, I usually transfer it into whatever I am taking out with me. This maybe a backpack, a work bag (including a laptop), my gym bag, my coat pockets or, very occasionally, a handbag. As someone who was not used to carrying a bag when I was first diagnosed, I needed a solution which fitted with my lifestyle. I know we are all different but I have never been someone who feels comfortable with a utility bag, carrying multiple bags and a bag that I perceive to be labelling me as a diabetic.
For this reason @GracefulAng I would talk to your husband about what he would like.
I have tried various bags and each has certain advantages and disadvantages. After 4+ years I think I've found a decent solution, but this has evolved from 3 different sized bags for different occasions and means I have a lot of clutter in my Diabetes corner. That was OK before we moved and had a 4 bed house just for us 2; now as we temporarily share a 3 bed house with an excess of furniture between us all, including an 11 yr old boy who has an excess of younger and older toys and books, plus 2 cats, it is a struggle.
I use a pencil case, though I also have a bumbag (you can get running belts which are compact) to carry my stuff when out without a bag
I have a small backpack and a cross body pouch. Both leave my hands free so that I can work out in the fields, walk/jog, garden or horse ride etc with them. If I had to carry something by a handle I would invariably put it down and forget to pick it back up, whereas my cross body bag goes on when I leave the house and stays on whilst I muck out or go to the shops or whatever. I tried a bum bag at first but found it pulled on my back when out jogging and even at a walk I felt it wasn't good for my back. I can get my phone, Libre reader, money/bank card, keys, hypo treatments and an insulin pen in my cross body pouch. I have a few Freestyle Optium test strips which I bought and can be used in my Libre reader as a BG test kit for if I need to finger prick, so whilst it is packed tight it covers everything I need.
I use a pencil case, though I also have a bumbag (you can get running belts which are compact) to carry my stuff when out without a bag

I always used a pencil case while on MDI too. A neoprene one. My meter had its own separate case already, and a pencil case was perfect for keeping all the other gubbins together. Cheap, small, and easily switched for a new design when it got too grubby, or I simplymgot bored!
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