Organic Food...Whats your view??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All....

I was wondering what your views on organic fruit, veg and meat are?.

For me personally as regards to Nathan...I buy mostly organic and free range..yes its a little more expensive..but to me the benefits of organinc out way the cost.

My grandparents had a farm....and everything we ate was organic...even to the milk and butter.....milk was straight from the cow to the table...etc...My maternal grandfather also grew his own fruit and veg......and the taste was divine...fertiliser was good old horse manure....

Crops back then were'nt sprayed with god knows what..or GM modified.....

I go out and but mostly from the farmers market in town and support British Farmers when it come to the meat and poultry stakes.....who wants to buy a chicken in a supermarket for a couple of quid thats been pumped up with water and other stuff...Although I do a weekly shop at Asda for other groceries and non consumables.....oooo not forgetting the good old Heinz Baked Beans.

Lately though...experts have said there is no benefit form eating organic foods..although I would like to argue that cases with them

I like the idea of not eating food which has been sprayed with pesticides and animals that aren't pumped with antibiotics,but I am wary that there are unscrupulous farmers who may cut corners,as there is a lot of money to be made out of organic produce,and organic farming isn't subsided the way that non organic is.I do try to buy organic food,especially meat and bananas,as bananas are supposed to be one of the most sprayed crops there is, milk as well for us is organic i have tasted the diffirence in that for sure so i been getting that last 2 months
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When I was a kid we used to get our eggs from the milkman and I yet to find an egg that matches the wonderful ones we had then. They were big - make todays 'large' look tiny - and lovely flavoursome orange yolks - delicious! Funny how you hardly ever see white eggs these days! I tend to go for better quality and free range for meat, as I think I owe it to the animals to support a better (if short!) life for them. Buying better quality might cost a bit more, but there are other areas of my life that I'm more prepared to make cost compromises on. Now that I have to think about my food so much I might as well get the stuff I enjoy! I never buy ready meals - way, way too expensive and never as good as homemade - even with my cooking!😉
I make all Nathans meals from scratch.....ready made meals are laden with all kinds of numbers and preservatives...and things that sound like you need to go to the dr with..for some rubbing ointment.....also the hidden salt content.

I know what you mean about the eggs Notherner...even now I still but happy free range eggs and the yolk is still not as orange as I remembered.

Meat/chicken is most definately organic.....the texture, taste, even the look and the feel is better....Supermarkets tend to inject packet meat with red they think people will prefer that colour....I tend to go for the darker colour.

Hi, Here's my thoughts!

I love the idea of ooo natural, but there's also the oooh my god save the pennies!

I or rather we sometimes buy at framers markets etc, and when things get easier I'm sure we will more so. Also if we ever bloody move I'm sure as hell we'll be growing as much as poss, still working on the chicken issue, think I'll loose there!

We also eat well, not ready meals, okay maybe the odd takeaway, but not regularly. So we understand what is in what we eat. Tonight have Lamb in the oven, potatoes boiled, leeks, and green beans from a farm shop!

Anyway I heard also about this study on the radio, they were not looking at the whole picture, they were purely looking into the number of nutrients etc in organic versus non organic. Also someone came on saying how some foods, mainly local, although they don't say organic may well be because it costs the farmer a hell of a lot to go through the process of proving his methods etc.

Not sure what the conclusion is here!! But I would love to always buy fresh and local (British) if poss.
I only ever buy free range eggs. However I'm not as strict when it comes to products containing eggs, eg if I'm buying a shop cake or eating out I wouldn't always check. Although my housemates are very strict on that front and it's starting to rub off on me. I eat very little in the way of meat, only chicken or fish and that rarely these days, so I'll generally buy the free range or 'friendly' option.

As for organic products, not really, mostly on price grounds. I do much prefer farm shops and farmers markets when I can get to them but being based in the city centre (yep, Norfolk's not all fields!) with no car it's not always practical.
own grown organic food

As we grow quite a lot of veggies and fruit (potatoes, corn / maize, several types of beans, peas, courgettes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, beetroot, strawberries, raspberries, currants etc) and have ducks, we don't buy much veg, fruit or eggs through the summer, and freeze produce for other months. No chemicals used in garden, rainwater collected in butts from 2 roofs and compost used to improve soil (and reduce methane-producing waste going to landfill). So, pretty environmentally friendly. Garden produce definitely tastes better than anything bought from supermarket or farm shop - might be slightly odd looking, but always very fresh. I can also pick old varieties of plums and apples from the park where I work. Much of the food we buy is reduced price - once you know what time each place reduces its prices, you can eat pretty cheaply - often reduced price organic costs less than unreduced conventional food.
I have mixed feelings about organic, it is often more expensive for less, which puts many people where I live off.

If you have space and time, it is probably better if you can to at least grow some of your own.
Hi All....

I was wondering what your views on organic fruit, veg and meat are?.

For me personally as regards to Nathan...I buy mostly organic and free range..yes its a little more expensive..but to me the benefits of organinc out way the cost.

My grandparents had a farm....and everything we ate was organic...even to the milk and butter.....milk was straight from the cow to the table...etc...My maternal grandfather also grew his own fruit and veg......and the taste was divine...fertiliser was good old horse manure....

Crops back then were'nt sprayed with god knows what..or GM modified.....

I go out and but mostly from the farmers market in town and support British Farmers when it come to the meat and poultry stakes.....who wants to buy a chicken in a supermarket for a couple of quid thats been pumped up with water and other stuff...Although I do a weekly shop at Asda for other groceries and non consumables.....oooo not forgetting the good old Heinz Baked Beans.

Lately though...experts have said there is no benefit form eating organic foods..although I would like to argue that cases with them

My favourite day out is a visit to a posh farm shop (get a life) I know.
We buy all home reared meat , in very small portions , therefore not too expensive.
Intensively reared chicken should be avoided like the plague. The animals are treated so unnaturally almost like machinery please avoid them.
I'm no veggie but have a heart.
Chemicals; GM who needs them in this country, no one .
Grow your own or get the significant other to do it for you.
Love , David
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I too have mixed feelings. Apart from anything else, organic fruit and veg seems overpackaged in supermarkets. Non organic can be bought loose so there is less packaging and you can buy what you need. Organic fruit and veg is only available in polystyrene trays containing a set number of fruits. This to me seems to go against the environmental message of buying organic.

I also find that some people who go in for the whole organic lifestyle can be very preachy and judgmental, and that puts me off it.
I never thought that organic foods have different nutritional value from non-organics. It was always the way the animals were reared and how it was grown, free range and definitely no pesticide or e-numbers.

Most of my meals are freshly made so I know what goes in there. I would like to buy organic or grow my own, but have neither the money nor the space. I do buy my meat from the local-ish butcher and my veg from green grocers at the local market. As I don't have a car, visiting farm shops is out of the question and the box delivery way is to expensive. But hopefully that will change soon.
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