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Lisa O

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
so next week, im going into hospital for an operation, should actually be a day case procedure.. but because im diabetic i have to go in the night before and b put on a sliding scale.. :(

anybody else had experiences like this?

actually im kinda nervous :(
so next week, im going into hospital for an operation, should actually be a day case procedure.. but because im diabetic i have to go in the night before and b put on a sliding scale.. :(

anybody else had experiences like this?

actually im kinda nervous :(

No I havent so cant advise, dont worry too much. Good luck with the procedure though 🙂
I did have an op 2 years ago it was abscesses which later were a sympton of my diabetes i was in for a week

Im sure you will be fine we just build things up in our head and then it gets worse and worse.

Be tough hun t/c and good luck xx
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yeah i have.... a couple of times.... i had an abscess due to the diabetes.... the scale is fine.... and they check you every hour to start with anyway.... enjoy the pamper lol... hope the op isnt to serious though.. but the sliding scale does it all for you... dont worry xx
thanks guys 🙂

nah, not serious lee. im sure when next week is over i'll b wondering wat all the fuss was about! xx
Yes, I have - twice actually. First time was for varicose veins, went in at 2pm day before as they said would be put on a drip for glucose/insulin, they actually didn't do the drip until the morning of op, so could've stayed home:(
Op all fine, but have a bad reaction to anaesthetic - not D related - and had to stay extra night. Used the time to relax and really enjoyed being brought my meals and empties taken away.

I've always found that the nurses don't really know a whole lot about diabetes, and they have always been keen to say - well, you know what you are doing better than us, so they let me manage my own tests and levels. It might be different if you're not eating though.

Don't worry too much, just make sure you tell as many as possible that you have the D. You'll probably get preferential treatment, and will be first down in the morning!

Good luck!🙂
thats one bonus i guess casper 🙂 lol
first on the list! x
I hope the op goes well. Keep on telling people about the D, and if there is anything you want explained, keep asking until it is explained to your satisfaction.
I had an operation in November. I had a very bad gum abcess which caused half my face to swell.

Because of the infection, my BGs were VERY high and I was put onto a sliding scale abd a potassium drip (which HURT!) but I found I had to keep reminding the nurses about my Levemir and Novorapid before meals etc. Wasn't too impressed when I told one nurse at 7:45pm that I was due my Levemir at 8 and it didn't arrive until gone 9!!
The last 5 ops (all minor) I had to go in the night before so that I could go on and sliding scale insulin infusion. It is nothing to worry about Lisa and as mentioned the nurses will do your blood glucose every hour and adjust the insulin as required.. it is a fast acting insulin that is in the infusion. I find that my sugar levels are fantastic when I am in hospital on sliding scale they are usually between 4 - 7 whereas when I am at home and left to my novorapid and levemir they are always above 7..!!! Hope all goes ok for you..
I'm actually having surgery on my arm 1st thing in morning. I believe that I am 1st on the list, fasting from midnight. Will travel to the hospital early doors.

They will be knocking me out for this although it is a relatively short procedure. I've been advised/told to reduce Lantus tonight by half with no bolusing from midnight onwards so guess I gotta get the levels spot on by then. 🙂

I've asked to get hooked up to a insulin/glucose drip as soon as I arrive as then they can make adjustments as required until I awaken and continue with my own care.

Good luck with you surgery!
Thanks Lisa

Well I came through the surgery ok. First on the list, I arrived at the hospital shortly before 8am having been up since 5am checking my BG's. 【ツ】

No sooner had I booked in and plonked my bum on a chair, I was called through by a couple of nurses. Immediately I was asked to place covers over my shoes and wash my hands. I was shown to my bed where I was then greeted by 2 more nurses who would prep me for surgery.

IV line immediately, which is advisable for anyone undergoing surgery as they can monitor and/or help out if BG's drop or rise.

All prepped shortly after 9am. Arm shaved, waxed and sterilised! They then whizzed me down to the theatres, where the staff were in jubilant mood after the proceedings the previous night (clue - football).

After chatting about the football complete with face paint they got me all hooked to the various machines/monitors.

A regional block was admistered, similar to an epidural to help after the op, some sedation which was nice and on we go again but this time to the theatre itself.

I shuffled my backside over to the operating table and woke up in recovery! That is all I can remember!! Pain, and more pain!! Pain relief sought and finally wheeled back to the day unit just before noon.

All bandaged up and considerable pain, so I have my check up with the nurse today to check the dressing, scar etc... Cause of the type of surgery it will be a while before we know how sucessful it was... (Nerves, I'm told they heal slowly)

Everything else looking good. BG's were great throughtout and feel it made a difference!

BG's yesterday were a bit wayward but hopefully back on track now.

Sorry for the post and arm is aching now 【ツ】
Lisa when do you go in for the op?

Pleased to hear that all went well Mike x
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