Operation date

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I have just been given my operation date to have my pancreas removed and become diabetic, Friday 17th June!
I'm nervous, scared and unsure what the future will bring but i know I can come on here when I'm having a bad day or have a million questions that needs answering.
All the very best of luck with that. You'll certainly be able to use this forum to get feedback, or just to have a rant.

Have they let you know in advance about how you're going to need to cater for diabetes, or does that happen after the op?
All the very best of luck with that. You'll certainly be able to use this forum to get feedback, or just to have a rant.

Have they let you know in advance about how you're going to need to cater for diabetes, or does that happen after the op?
They are going to do that after the operation but I have arranged a call with the diabetic nurse at my GP surgery for next week.
I think I would want to be prepared with what to expect before the surgery as you may not think of all the questions you need to ask when recovering from the surgery.
Hopefully your diabetic nurse will be well clued up as many at a GP surgery would not always have encountered what is Type 3c diabetes.
If you look for posts here about Type 3c that might arm you with some appropriate questions to ask.
I hope it all goes well.
Hello Trev - not that this will be much consolation at the moment but it's more than fair to say that UHCW employs excellent staff including some very clued up and modern thinking doctors and specialist nurses across most specialities, of which diabetes is definitely one I can personally vouch for - oh yes, I have some moans about em sometimes but they've been treating me for over the last 20 years and I'm still here, so is my husband who's post prostate cancer and has ongoing COPD.

I think you'll be classed as Type 3c after your op, rather than T1. T1 is an auto immune condition and without a pancreas, a person's immune system can't get over zealous and kill off bits of it!

Good luck with it all and look forward to hearing from you again when you're ready cos we have quite a collection of T3cs amongst our merry gang by now so most things you might need to ask of others, either directly about the op or generally about the joys of diabetes, will receive pretty full answers and we'll help all we can.
Wishing you all the best!
Yes, I too wish you the very best for the 17th and after.

You will become a Type 3c - by definition - as I am after my total pancreatectomy. However my discharge paperwork described me as Type 1; at first that bothered me, but in hindsight it ensured I was entitled to all of the processes that you are already entitled to. Even if the hospital are clear about the consequence of having no pancreas many medical professionals are not; for example A&E doctors. In my own case my GP was initially obstructive about my need to test my blood glucose regularly, surprisingly (to me) aided and abetted by my DSN. I've since spoken to 2 other GPs about this apparent ignorance, both of whom I know well and each was not surprised. So if you do find yourself in this strange position, gracefully accept the contradiction. T3c is not widely known about.

The main change for you will be the need for Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT) - ie Creon.

Anyway, best of luck.
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