Ooooh noooo! First G6 fail

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just had my first Dex G6 fail since I started on the Tandem tSlim.

The oval remained firmly stuck to my arm, but the sensor dropped off 😱😱

Have filled in the online form with Dex. Fingers crossed I will get a replacement. 6 days is a bit pricey!


Oh no. That’s not good. I’m sure they’ll replace it for you. Did you catch it on something?
How weird! Do you think it was faulty or did you knock it?
I must have a close relative of your Dex :( Mine kept telling me I was so low I was the walking dead then next 20 mins it told me I was over 15, then sensor error then lost signal.
Sensor now lost in the bin :(
Didn’t knock it at all (unlike one I sacrificed to a doorframe a fortnight ago 🙄)

I had a strange itch on my arm, and when I reached around the sensor was just flapping loose. took me a while to realise the adhesive oval was not attached to it.
At least that is the first to have fallen off. Are Dexcom good at replacing them?

I am finding the opposite with my tapes on the Medtronic, and have resorted to adhesive removers to release them, but that gets sticky and messy
We had one once which didn’t insert at all, lined it up on the arm, pushed the button... and nothing happened! So then had whole inserter hanging off the arm, although the needle mechanism hadn’t fired at all so it wasn’t too difficult to peel it off again. Got that one replaced, also a couple that inserted OK but then didn’t start up, they were both reporting sensor error due to sensor being illegally restarted (it wasn’t, it was a brand new one!). After that happened the second time someone at Dexcom took the trouble to explain a bit about how they work and we haven’t had that problem again, I think daughter was trying to swap them over too quickly, or was trying to start the new one when the old was wasn’t properly ended or something.
@everydayupsanddowns - Michael - for goodness sake get a bit of Vaseline on the pad of one finger of the other hand massaged into that black line/those back lines on your arm to get rid of that adhesive residue, then just wash the Vaseline residue off with hot soapy water. Yes you're a bloke but you're also a diabetic and our skin is even more precious than other people's!! (said Grandma Jen.)
@everydayupsanddowns - Michael - for goodness sake get a bit of Vaseline on the pad of one finger of the other hand massaged into that black line/those back lines on your arm to get rid of that adhesive residue, then just wash the Vaseline residue off with hot soapy water. Yes you're a bloke but you're also a diabetic and our skin is even more precious than other people's!! (said Grandma Jen.)


I generally just rasp it off with a rusty old file I keep in the shed.
@everydayupsanddowns - Michael - for goodness sake get a bit of Vaseline on the pad of one finger of the other hand massaged into that black line/those back lines on your arm to get rid of that adhesive residue, then just wash the Vaseline residue off with hot soapy water. Yes you're a bloke but you're also a diabetic and our skin is even more precious than other people's!! (said Grandma Jen.)
I shall get the Vaseline out Jenny for my change tomorrow. Sounds a lot easier than taking my nails to it.
Yeah - you just rub it - not at all viciously - and the adhesive comes off - not bringing any little hairs with it, in little clumps, entirely without pain.

Just summat mom did to both of us as kids, they hadn't invented waterproof plasters and anyway, the long strip of pink material Elastoplast that came in a box and you cut off however much you needed with a pair of scissors, would have been cheaper .......

I generally just rasp it off with a rusty old file I keep in the shed.
That is NOT the best use of a Bastard file at all, man. Can tell you're not an Engineer, can't we?

Pete says apparently that nomenclature for a heavy coarse file is no longer considered PC these days.
Nail varnish remover works wonders for removing the tack as well 🙂 I found this out whilst using some to remove glue after over enthusiastic use when card making, so light bulb moment I used some to remove the tack from the sensor 🙂
Will Mike's daughters let him use some of their nail polish remover or will he have to invest in a little tin of Vaseline of his own? Wait patiently to hear the next instalment of this developing story ........
Will Mike's daughters let him use some of their nail polish remover or will he have to invest in a little tin of Vaseline of his own? Wait patiently to hear the next instalment of this developing story ........

I have several tins around the house. including ones purchased for adding a line of vaseline around the top of garden pots as a slug deterrant (surprisingly effective!).

I now have put one among my pump/cgm stuff so you never know… Watch this space!
Oh… and faulty sensor returned and replacement arrived 48 hrs (ish) after reported
I had a G6 sensor go insane the other day. It was reading going down below 3, when I started eating Dextro tablets like they were going out of fashion, then gave me the message I was LO, which is when I did a BG check - it was not LO, but 15. Needless to say, calibration had no effect, so changed the sensor and phoned Dexcom who gave me the usual questions then offered to send me a new sensor, which arrived the next morning. I’ve never had one come apart, though, my main difficulty is getting them off my skin.

I always ring them rather than go online. I always get the replacement arriving the next day. I think they send a bloke on a bike to deliver it, their distribution centre is only about 4km away.
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