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Online prescription for my 13yr old son

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello people,
Some advice please, my surgery are saying I cannot have the online prescription ordering service as my son is in the age bracket between 13ys - 18yrs. Receptionist told me it’s the NHS guidelines, and for the life of me I can’t find any info on this. It’s frustrating as I’m having to make trips to fill out or drop off repeat prescription slips and having to wait up to a week before it’s ready for collection. Is there a way round this? How can get my gp surgery to register me for online ordering, it’s so much easier. Help please
Can you register with a chemist and have a monthly repeat prescription? this link should provide you with more information.
Hi @Sagitarius I haven’t heard that either. In fact, I’ve just found a leaflet online telling 16yr olds the benefits of online services.

Did you try to register your son on your online account? Maybe that’s the issue? I’d ask for clarification from the Practice Manager as it does seem odd.
I don’t know what the guidelines are, but if it's true then our surgery have got round it by having my daughter as an extra patient on my account. So I had to register first, then take in ID for my daughter and they added her onto my account. Was a bit of a faff getting it set up, there were some inefficiencies going on, but once done it was easy, I log in, choose which patient and order the prescription. (Never order anything for myself!). My daughter is 14. They told me she's not allowed her own account because of her age.
Just send an email to the surgery. My surgery refuses to take prescriptions over the phone or even faxed prescriptions which is bad for people with no internet.

So as you have the use of the net send an email request to the surgery. My mother has no net and no intention of having it so just picks up her prescription from the chemist and fills in the repeat then and there for collection the following month.
We can’t do online ordering for our kids. We’ve not been allowed to add them onto an adult account either.
Our surgery doesn't do on line and won't let us sign up with an on line chemist either because the doctor thinks it's more trouble than it's worth.
To get our prescription now we have to send them an email listing what we want, they confirm receipt and we then have to drive down to collect the medicines three days later.
Probably just as well because our post is not exactly reliable out here.
Haven't needed to physically pick up a paper scrip from the surgery for years. Emailed to the pharmacy we chose to have them sent to. Get a text from pharmacy when they've dispensed it and it's ready for you or someone else to pick up, as one daughter and her kids are still registered to the same docs and hence use the same pharmacy, so they know us all.

Each surgery has to have a person responsible to receive complaints, and an upfront complaints procedure - so get complaining!!
Our surgery doesn't do on line and won't let us sign up with an on line chemist either because the doctor thinks it's more trouble than it's worth.
To get our prescription now we have to send them an email listing what we want, they confirm receipt and we then have to drive down to collect the medicines three days later.
Probably just as well because our post is not exactly reliable out here.
That is really in the dark ages, I thought all surgery's did electronic prescriptions these days. My online services even has a facility to change the Pharmacy the electronic prescription sending to. Many years ago I signed a consent form to allow my Pharmacy to pick from my surgery for me, I used to tick what I wanted on the repeat strip, they faxed it to the surgery, and then picked up from the surgery. Now I order online from my surgery and the send it electronic to the Pharmacy.
When I used to have to tick the boxes on the form and take it into the surgery, mistakes were often made transposing the ticks to the prescription. NovoRapid would be changed to Lantus, everything would be ordered instead of just the two or three items I requested, test strips were missed off, ... Since my surgery adopted the electronic/online/now phone app prescription requester, there have been no mistakes. And, especially important during the pandemic, there is no reason for me to go into my GP surgery.
Since my surgery adopted the electronic/online/now phone app prescription requester, there have been no mistakes.
Your lucky, I've still had things missing that I've ordered and even insulin added when I havent requested it, last week my mum ordered 1 thing and they completely missed it! 😱 xx
Sorry to hear about the extra faff you are having to go through @Sagitarius

Hope you can get your son added to your online account, or find a viable alternative method that saves you time.
You can get the chemist to request repeats for you. You request it just the once. The prescription is then sent from the GP to the chemist, and filled for you. All you have to do is remember which chemist, and to pick it up. (Unless you can get them to deliver!) Don't know if you'll run into the age thing there to though.
My surgery refuses to take prescriptions over the phone
GP surgeries in my area stopped phone requests somewhere around 4 years ago.
You can get the chemist to request repeats for you. You request it just the once. The prescription is then sent from the GP to the chemist, and filled for you. All you have to do is remember which chemist, and to pick it up. (Unless you can get them to deliver!) Don't know if you'll run into the age thing there to though.

GP surgeries in my area stopped phone requests somewhere around 4 years ago.
Not all surgeries allow this now, my nieghbour used to do this and her surgery stopped , which is stupid as she travel on public transport to the other side of the city and back, when the Pharmacy is around the corner. This has happened during the pandemic, ...
You can get the chemist to request repeats for you. You request it just the once. The prescription is then sent from the GP to the chemist, and filled for you. All you have to do is remember which chemist, and to pick it up. (Unless you can get them to deliver!) Don't know if you'll run into the age thing there to though.
Wouldn't work for me as I don't need all items every 28 days!
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