Ongoing support


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had my most recent hba1c test 2 weeks ago, the result was 51,down.from 98 in Nov 23. I asked for, and was given, an appointment with the diabetes nurse to discuss medication, targets, and general management of my condition going forward.

When I arrived at the surgery today for the appointment, I was told that I shouldn't have been given the appointment since the nurse only saw patients with hba1c levels over 70.

Fortunately the nurse agreed to see me since I was there, but she confirmed that there is really no ongoing support once you are deemed to be 'doing ok'

So there will be a 6 monthly test but unless the results give cause for concern there will be be no feedback, not even a phone call. The annual foot check with be done by a health care assistant who cannot discuss medications or progress generally.

What I was hoping for was a review after each blood test (or at least annually) with either the d/n or a GP but it sounds as though there is no chance of this.

Is this typical? Am I being naive in hoping for more support?
I think that is typical of how type 2s are treated by many surgeries/practices and they let things go on however they may until something goes wrong.
My tests went to one a year after the first two retests.
The support varies widely across the country.

There is a wealth of experience to tap into on here, as well as practical tips from people who ‘get it’.
It sounds like you have already made an excellent start in getting to grips with the changes that you need as shown by the improvement in your HbA1c. Diabetes is very much a condition that we each need to self manage, and any tests/appointments are a review of our own work. Well worth you asking for am appointment after the next test (which may well be an annual one) as they should also be checking your feet, doing BP which can’t be done over the phone.
I think it's another case of the old Postcode Lottery. Like @Drummer I still get invited for a review with my DN every year.
Is this typical? Am I being naive in hoping for more support?
The only bit that doesn’t sound typical is your a1cs are 6 monthly not a year. The rest is typical here, a HCA checks your feet when she takes the annual blood, you take BP yourself once a year in the surgery waiting room, if any issues you get either a text or a leaflet through the post. Any major issues you get a text asking you to make an appointment. No one at the GP review asks me any questions about whether I’m coping with my diabetes or if I need any help or checks my injection sites or anything like that.
I was diagnosed in February this year,saw the DN. Had the three month check with her, I was doing better than she was weight wise and that's it !!!!!+ I totally agree that diabetics seem to be left very much to their own devices. Yes, I know that there is lots on info out there, but not everyone in tech savvy or even computer orientated, that's why forums such as this is so useful BUT I feel that's wrong!!!!!! Most folk do not have scientific backgrounds or even an interest
I have 6 monthly bloods, and the nurse either sees me of have a phone appointment.
Oh, that's where my reply went!!!!!!! That was my point I interest in what one eats and there is no offence meant by that statement, but sometimes what is considered ' a healthy diet ' is just not that.
I was diagnosed in February this year,saw the DN. Had the three month check with her, I was doing better than she was weight wise and that's it !!!!!+ I totally agree that diabetics seem to be left very much to their own devices. Yes, I know that there is lots on info out there, but not everyone in tech savvy or even computer orientated, that's why forums such as this is so useful BUT I feel that's wrong!!!!!! Most folk do not have scientific backgrounds or even an interest
There was a statistic put out by my health authority last year saying that only 25% of the 50.000 plus registered diabetics had had their annual checks.
I do still have them every year, blood tests, feet, pulses etc but usually have to ring to make the appointment.
I had my 'toes tickled' this year by the HCA who now does them at our GP surgery - of Indian sub continent heritage (and I have absolutely no prob whatsoever with that I assure you) but did object when she said she expected I'd like the 60kg exactly weight the scales revealed in stones (which didn't actually bother me that much TBH) and instantly told me it was nine point four stones, at which I said No, you don't express weights in stones using the metric system, you express it in stones and pounds to which she looked at me like I was stupid and told me she had no idea whatsoever what I was talking about.

Oh pardon me for making the (obviously, now!) erroneous assumption that you had a functioning brain.

I was fuming for a while after - but life really is too short to be bothered for very long!