One Trial After Another

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 since December 13, 2018 at levels of 6.5H1AC now after improving my lifestyle I got it down into 5.4 H1AC, which I am told by my doctor is a great thing. Now he brings up that my LDL Cholesterol is 3.87 for a normal person its fine as long as its 5.0, but since I am still diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 I need to get it down to 2.5 or below. He said that since I am still a young adult(currently i'm 25 years old), I can try and lower it naturally otherwise in three months if there is no improvement to it then I may have to start taking a pill once a day for the rest of my life which I want to avoid....

May someone give me tips and advice on how I can lower my LDL as soon as possible. I feel like after getting my diabetes into remission I am facing another difficult trial in life.
It depends on what your weight is, or to use a rough guide, what your BMI is. If it is high, then losing weight alone should fix the cholesterol numbers.

It’s worth saying, you should always fast for 12 hours (usually overnight) for a cholesterol check.
It depends on what your weight is, or to use a rough guide, what your BMI is. If it is high, then losing weight alone should fix the cholesterol numbers.

It’s worth saying, you should always fast for 12 hours (usually overnight) for a cholesterol check.

Currently my weight is 71.62kg, my BMI is 25.7. Yes I have done a 12 hour fast prior to the check. So weight loss is my best option to avoid taking statin medication?
I've been diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 since December 13, 2018 at levels of 6.5H1AC now after improving my lifestyle I got it down into 5.4 H1AC, which I am told by my doctor is a great thing. Now he brings up that my LDL Cholesterol is 3.87 for a normal person its fine as long as its 5.0, but since I am still diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 I need to get it down to 2.5 or below. He said that since I am still a young adult(currently i'm 25 years old), I can try and lower it naturally otherwise in three months if there is no improvement to it then I may have to start taking a pill once a day for the rest of my life which I want to avoid....

May someone give me tips and advice on how I can lower my LDL as soon as possible. I feel like after getting my diabetes into remission I am facing another difficult trial in life.

Saturated fats push my LDL through the ceiling.
What's your diet like?
Currently my weight is 71.62kg, my BMI is 25.7. Yes I have done a 12 hour fast prior to the check. So weight loss is my best option to avoid taking statin medication?
Yes, it will certainly help. You need to get rid of the internal fat as well as the visible stuff. And as Travellor asked, what sort of diet are you eating?
Each morning Hard Boiled Egg /Oranges

Chicken, Spinach, Carrots, Cucumber, Avacado
Salmon, Spinach, Carrots, Cucumber, Avacado

Varies (as my company provides different kinds of food every day)
Occassional once or twice a week I would eat ramen, deepfried pork, and other things

my doctor said im not suppose to be eating eggs every morning, so he assuming that may be a big factor.

I started at 81.2KG since December 13, with a BMI of 29.3.
Eggs, avocado, deep fried pork, all raise my LDL.
At least you're not into cream and cheese!
Hmm.. isn't avacado suppose to decrease your LDL and increase your HDL levels though?

For me, it's not an everyday thing.
But I eat low fat, so for me, it's about balance of all the food groups.

The blood tests are the measure though.
Change one thing.
Drop the eggs, give it three months, and re-test.
Avocado is a high fat food. About 75% is unsaturated fat, the “healthy” sort which leaves 25% that isn’t. I don’t even regard it as food. Avoid. That’s why Travellors LDL gets a boost eating it.

Deep fried pork, which is nice and tasty, is also a bad idea.

Don’t worry about boiled eggs. Even fried, they aren’t too bad.

And no single food can lower LDL and raise the HDL, that’s the idea of a varied diet.
Avocado is a high fat food. About 75% is unsaturated fat, the “healthy” sort which leaves 25% that isn’t. I don’t even regard it as food. Avoid. That’s why Travellors LDL gets a boost eating it.

Deep fried pork, which is nice and tasty, is also a bad idea.

Don’t worry about boiled eggs. Even fried, they aren’t too bad.

And no single food can lower LDL and raise the HDL, that’s the idea of a varied diet.

I can't argue on what affects us, we're all different.
But, I would say, just change one thing at a time, and re-test.

Whether it's avacado's or eggs, or fried meat, just drop one, and test.

If it's down, drop something else.
If it's not, put it back into your diet, and drop something else.

That worked for me.
I'm just nervous because I finally got my blood levels to normal. But now I have to deal with Cholesterol getting it below 2.5 MML or 2.0MML from 3.87 MML otherwise Doctor says I may have to start taking one tablet a day for pills for the rest of my life.
It's possible to do anything with ratios, but it doesn't alter the test results at the end of the day.
Then again, if your test results are good, the ratio is an another good check after that.

The numbers we like to work to in the UK are here.
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@EndymionXT - as you may have seen, I suggested you have a look at a couple of calculators. If that doesn't appeal, or help, you might find watching this 20 minutes well spent.

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What are your trigliceride results like @EndymionXT? I gather that can be a reasonable indicator of what type of particles make up your LDL cholesterol figure (the lower the better, preferably less than 1.0).

Alternatively - take the statin and see how you get on with it. And if you don't get on well with it try another. Millions of people take them and at a population level - statistically speaking - they have evidence for reducing indicence of fatal and non-fatal heart attack or strokes in a few of those people. If you are one of those people, you would surely be very glad of the help they gave.
You'd never know what actual help they gave you though, would you? LOL

You aren't taking statins, you don't have a cardo vascular 'event'. There is no means currently known to medical science of discerning why you go on beyond your telegram from the next but one King. You eventually pop your clogs aged 103, when the brakes fail on your Vincent Black Shadow.

You do take statins and don't have a CV event. Nobody can possibly tell you whether a statin prevented that or not either! You die aged 56 of an unrelated infection that was resistant to all known antibiotics.

Day of National Mourning declared.

(for the motorbike)
You'd never know what actual help they gave you though, would you? LOL

You aren't taking statins, you don't have a cardo vascular 'event'. There is no means currently known to medical science of discerning why you go on beyond your telegram from the next but one King. You eventually pop your clogs aged 103, when the brakes fail on your Vincent Black Shadow.

You do take statins and don't have a CV event. Nobody can possibly tell you whether a statin prevented that or not either! You die aged 56 of an unrelated infection that was resistant to all known antibiotics.

Day of National Mourning declared.

(for the motorbike)

It's a bit like crossing the road.
If you don't look, and don't get run over, you can't prove looking helps.

But, like statins, it doesn't harm.
And, like statins, it seems to help the general population.

So I'll keep taking my chances.
I'll look when I cross the road, and I'll take statins to stop high cholesterol causing a CV event.
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