one thing.....?

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If you could get rid of just one aspect of diabetes what would it be? I know we'd all probably like to get rid of the whole lot but if you lose one part of it what would it be? testing, injections, carb counting, hypos, etc etc...

I was thinking about this last night as I was having one of those time where my bg just wouldn't go back up. It was really late, I was sharing a hotel room with a friend and we had a really early start in the morning but all I could do was sit there keeping us both awake eating and drinking until something worked (took a couple of hours). I'd had such a big dinner and it was so late that eating and drinking was the last thing I wanted to do, but I had to. So I think my 'one thing' would be, I guess, treating hypos, not even necessarily the hypos themselves (although I wouldn't say no!) but the inconvenience of having to treat them!
the ONE thing I wish I could do, which i guess is the whole problem of diabetes... I wish I could eat and not have to think about it. Like go to a party and eat nibbles and not need to think "damn, i need to take some insulin, probably quite alot, but how much?!" I dont care about injections, i dont care about testing or hypos. Just let me not have to think about the feeling of sugar filling up my blood vessels every time I eat!!

It's like when you eat a greasey breakfast and you imagine the fat blocking your ateries, I feel like my blood is filling up with sugar everytime I eat.

Errr if that makes sense :D
Hey Aymes,

Wasnt it your 10km today? How did you do?

I used to have a lot of thoughts like what you have described as above. For some strange reason and I cant tell you what exactly, I dont feel like that so much anymore. It would be hard to say what thing I would like to drop, probably the Lantus injection for its shear inconvenience and stinging! I hate it! But I havent done it since sunday when I started on insulin in my pump the day after and cant say I really noticed its gone!

I guess you take the rough with the smooth and at the time some things seem really horrid and you just wish you didnt have to deal with them. Hope your blood sugar was ok in the end anyway. Hope you were staying somewhere nice and enjoying it all the same 🙂
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I think it is really hard to pick one thing but i guess the worse for me would be having to think now about everything i am eating i'd like to go to a restaurent and just eat now im thinking right what can i have that wont cause a hyper or if i have this will i have a funny turn. So frustrating when you have the waiter guy taking familes orfer then he got to stand there and wait for me as i pick my way through the healthy options
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Well, for me it would be related to running, and the fact I can no longer be spontaneous. Before, I could have a cup of tea, do ten miles, then stuff my face with a big breakfast. Now, I have to eat, inject, let the food settle, let the nausea pass (knowing it will probably return during the run as I don't like to run with food in my stomach), try and get motivated to actually go and run, test, worry if I'll go low...

I don't mind injections and stuff, although I would echo what Katie says about the feeling of food and sugar gungeing up the arteries - feel the same way about my lungs and smoking too.

It's not the worst thing in the world, but there's a lot of truth in the saying that you don't know what you've got till its gone.:(
I'm with Twin on this , I would love to be able to eat what I want without having to work out what Insulin to take :( I'm not bothered by injections at all or anything else including hypos.
Carb counting would have to go! Now my son on pump he can eat what he wants when he wants with no injections but so hard t keep carb counting, especially if eating out or when he eats at a friends house. 🙂🙂
I can't speak for my son really -- but I'd hazard a guess that it's the lack of spontaneity in so much that is a pain. Down to what you walk out of the house with...

That's what I feel for him most in, thinking about his future life I guess... I remember that in university I just did what I wanted, pieced things together at the last minute, sometimes woke up at a friend's...damn. Will he have that?
Patricia - simple answer for your son is to always ensure he has a cartridge of long acting insulin in the case where he keeps his short acting pen - then waking up in another room isn't an issue. Personally, I use a regular pencil case, which is discrete, has room for everything and fits in the top pocket of my rucksack. Also room in pocket for a blood glucose meter, couple of muesli bars and some sweets.
Thanks Copepod -- I guess you're right, he will *always* have some kind of bag on him? I did, but I'm a woman. He'll find something that fits into his life...And you're right too, just a bar or too will see him to some kind of meal, won't it.

Sigh. What's your one thing?
There is not just one single thing with diabetes I'd like to get rid, I don't want diabetes full stop.

I like this forum, there are are a lot of friendly people and loads of helpful advice, so I don't want to give this up.

I suppose if I had to pick just one thing hmm, I can't decide, all the testing or all the pills? Hard call!
I'd probably say get rid of complications, that way the only motivation would be to keep blood sugars in a reasonable range to feel allright day to day. I could slightly higher so that I wouldn't get hypos and not have to worry that I'm too high I'm doing damage.
Good question aymes, although it'sa bit like whats your favourite film/album, depends on your mood.

Anway to answer what I currently hate is when I eat and regardless of what I've injected correctly or not, sometimes my eyes burn up when I'm getting a high or quick spike, it really p***** me off, grrr.
I can't speak for my son really -- but I'd hazard a guess that it's the lack of spontaneity in so much that is a pain. Down to what you walk out of the house with...

That's what I feel for him most in, thinking about his future life I guess... I remember that in university I just did what I wanted, pieced things together at the last minute, sometimes woke up at a friend's...damn. Will he have that?

Of course he will have all that. I dont think my uni experience was any different to anyone elses.
If i could get rid of one thing about diabetes it would be whilst I'm pregnant I wouldn't have it although it would be hard to have it back again after the birth I would gladly do it to stop my diabetes affecting the baby in any way.
Hi aymes,

Not wanting to answer for Nathan here..I asked him the question..His reply has in some was amazed was the Blood Testing....he gets sick of constantly pricking his finger to know what his levels are, said it was a pain in the a**e....he does'nt want to be constantly in some respects its lack of spontinaity...

Hi aymes,

Not wanting to answer for Nathan here..I asked him the question..His reply has in some was amazed was the Blood Testing....he gets sick of constantly pricking his finger to know what his levels are, said it was a pain in the a**e....he does'nt want to be constantly in some respects its lack of spontinaity...


I'd definitely agree with that - no matter how 'experienced' I think I've become, I am usually totally wrong when relating how I feel to what the meter says. Things have come a long way with blood glucose testing, but to have a 'step-change' in that would be a great leap forward.
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