One step away from coma..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, I had a bit of a weekend let me tell you!

I went out with my friends on Saturday night drinking, got back to my friend's flat at about 1am and sat down to have the burgers we'd bought before coming home. I just couldn't eat mine...

Next thing I know, I'm waking up in Leicester Royal Infirmary's A+E department, in bed with a glucose drip in the top of my left hand. I can't remember a single thing between going to bed the night before and waking up in hospital.

Apparently, my friend had come into the lounge where I had been sleeping at about 11am on Sunday and I was holding up my syringe as though I'd just done my injection but I wasn't responding to her at all. She then tried to feed me some sugar but I was rigid and refusing to open my mouth. After speaking to my parents on the phone, she called the ambulance. I was then taken (along with my Mum and friend Angela) to the LRI and they inserted the cannula into the top of my hand during the journey. Apparently I kept trying to yank it out though but my Mum managed to stop me! Next thing I know, I'm waking up with my mum, dad and Angela all standing round my bed looking worried.

This has NEVER happened before and I have to say, it's scared me. It won't stop me going out for a few drinks, but I'll take it easy and make damn sure I eat at the end of the night.

Now I'm left with a big ulcer on the end of my tongue where I apparently bit it during the seizure and all-over-body muscle aches. Ow!

If it hadn't been for my friend Angela though, I don't think I'd be here now.. Scary eh?
Glad you're okay Sam, but yeah you're right scary! I get a bit scared sometimes of what could happen, esp as sometimes I drink more than the advertised average! I try and eat throughout the night to be honest, but what also worries me is the memory have I injected or haven't I? I once nearly put 18 units of novprapid in instead of levemir! Hmm where would that of lead I wonder??
Yeah, I don't normally drink as much as I did on Saturday it's just that it was the first proper night out since one of my friend's had a baby so I think we all went for it! Stupid I know and it's scared me big time.
Hi Sam

Hope you are feeling much better...Take care.

Hi Sam, I hope you are feeling better. I know it was scary for you, but sometimes these things happen for a reason. I bet your're pleased Angela acted as she did.
Hi Sam, so glad to hear that you're still with us - what a frightening experience! And thanks for relating it and giving us all the jolt we need to take more care in the future. Had you taken insulin for the burger that you didn't eat? Or do you think it was the alcohol that dropped you low? The problem with drinking (a lot) I have found is that I don't recognise whether I'm drunk or low or tired, and there's a much greater chance of me falling asleep without checking levels or rememberng whether I've taken my lantus (and used the right pen!)

Thank goodness your friend found you and got you the help you needed. If it had been me, no-one would have found me and that would be that. Perhaps you need to plan ahead and if possible have a 'diabetes buddy' who is a little more sober and who will ensure you check your levels and have your insulin/snack as necessary?
Thanks for all your kind thoughts - yes, it was really scary and I had a good old cry about it with my mum in the hospital.

Northerner - I'm not actually on basal/bolus, just 3 times a day mixture (before bfast, lunch and dinner). Basically, I did a test before going to bed but felt so sick I just couldn't eat even though I needed to.. It's my own fault I know and trust me, I won't be doing it again. And yes, thank god Angela was around and knew what was happening!
'Kin 'Ell

'Kin 'Ell.....😱


That was a rough ride..... And you're very fortunate to have someone like Angela around.

Glad you're still here....😱
Thanks 🙂
Yeah, she's a rock - she's an old school friend of mine and my best mate. I literally owe her my life!
WOW how scary for you , im so pleased your better now x
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Glad to hear you are ok now Sam , you have a very special friend there.
eeeek scary! glad you're okay now!

reminds me of the time i was 15/16, walking home from school and went low. got home, ate chocolate and passed out on the sofa. my sister - 3yrs younger than me - couldn't wake me up so she called my dad who called an ambulance. i fought with the ambulance men as i had a quilt on me, they kept trying to take it off me so i was trying to yank the quilt out of their hands!

i'm just grateful my sister was there and knew to call my dad (who, if i recall correctly, tried to get me to eat/drink sugary stuff).
I once went to a friends bbq. Started to drink while the bbq was being set up. As the chef of the house was also drinking the bbq didn't happen and by that point i was quite drunk. I'd already gave my novo in anticpation of bbq food...but apparently i decided to nod off in a chair.. after a few hours and when people started leaving, my friend tried to wake me but found me to be motionless, cold and sweating.. similar to yourself the next thing i knew was being inside of an ambulance and freaking out in unfamiliar surroundings!
I've always behaved on that score ever since...
Hi Sam, glad you're still with us!! That must have been horrible for everyone! 😱

I've never been out cold, but long since learnt that when drinking I get merry, then ill...sadly never been able to do happy drunk! 😱

Anyway, glad your friend Angela & the good 'ole LRI were able to keep you with us! 🙂 (I'm a leicestershire lass these days too, had my little lad there!)

Anyway, hope you're feeling better now!
OMG Sam, so pleased you are OK hun....this is really scary to read so god only knows how scary it actually must have been for you. Thank god you are alright.

What a story and what a shock. I dont know if you see a DSN or not but (perhaps becuase I see mine often and we get on well) Id want to chat that one over with someone in-the-know.

I went to a hen night last weekend and I so wanted to forget diabetes and get out on the lash and get a bit tiddly, something I dont often do. But I got so paranoid about hypo I only had 4 alcholic drinks over about 6 hours.....I wanted to drink like all the other girls there were but most of them were strangers so no-one knew me or that I was a diabetic so I got nervous. I wish there was a happy medium but its not easy is it?

Really glad you are ok sam. We should make Angela heroine of the month!

Lou x
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Really glad you are ok sam. We should make Angela heroine of the month!

Lou x

Oh, please do! She's certainly my heroine and you can guarantee she'd do it for anyone in a similar situation!

Thanks again for all your lovely words of support - I'm feeling much better apart from the horrible mouth ulcer on the end of my tongue where I nearly bit through it during one of the seizures on Sunday 🙄
What a scary expereince. Glad you are ok though. Bit of a reminder to me really, after going out drinking and not having any problems with hypos I guess I am a bit laid back about it now. But reading about what happened to you has reinforced to me that I need to be careful when drinking.

Hope you feel better now
Thanks again for all your kind thoughts - trust me, this isn't something I want to repeat. It was scary to say the least and waking up in hospital with my mum and dad and a very-scared-looking Angela looking at me was bizarre!
The main thing is you aare OK and someone was able to help, Angela is an angel, so yes she should be hero of the month...
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