one point seven

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
last night, i had rye bread and cheese for tea. that was at 6pm. i bolused appropriately for it (using nutritional info on the back of the packet). i checked at 8.30, and i was 1.7. scary thing was, i didn't feel all that low - low enough to check my blood sugars, but not crazy low.

my only guess is that i somehow worked out the carb content totally wrong? any other ideas? i'm fine now!
Sorry no ideas hun but goodness me im pleased your fine, you know im the opposite i go high and sometimes feel fine other times i know im high, i guess we lose our awareness at times, hope that dont happen again shiv xxx take care.
I have just looked at the carb counter link I posted the other day, and a slice of rye bread = 13g and I looked at cheese, chose cheddar as I didn't know what cheese you had, and 1oz = 0.4g. However, you may have had more than 1 slice and I don't know what ratio you are on either, but if that was me it would be 1:10 so taking I had 1 slice and 1 oz of cheese total carbs = 13.4g.. so 1 x 13.4 /10 = 1.34u to add to my starting amount of insulin.
Shiv, sorry to hear you went so low! I would imagine the reason is because rye bread takes a very long time to digest and by adding the cheese it will have delayed it even more - it just means that your insulin missed the food - perhaps next time you could try injecting after?🙂Bev
Wowser Shiv thats looooooow! Glad you're okay now.

Bev what don't you know about carbs and GI values / release of carbs probably ain't worth knowing! I think we all need you on speed dial!

Cheese & Rye = sloooooow release of carbs. Knowledge is power and ability to carry on regardless, cheers 🙂

So does cheese and crackers mean slow release too? normal crackers I mean. Blimey there's so much to try and fit in me head I might need an extension!!
hope you are feeling better Shiv, those really low lows can be a bit scary.

That is low i am the same get to twos and ones and dont no until i test, my hypo awarness is terrible, hope u are feeling better shiv
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