One injection stops diabetes in its tracks

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Sorry but I hate that sort of headline! We are DESPERATE for a cure - and this headline hooks you in, only to find that it's not a single injection at all, but something that (if it works) would need injecting every other day by folks with type 2, and is of no help to folks with type 1!
I thought it sounded very interesting, no side effects, no risk of hypos, thought to get rid of insulin resistance over time, whats not to like (makes you wish you were a mouse). Wish Michael Downes had a better expression on his face than the ' I wish I was somewhere else look'.
Well Redkite - I'm not desperate, really - though I can understand why you are of course. After the first 10 years, on the basis they promised ME a cure within 10 years LOL - you learn not to be disappointed frankly. And I think you are going to have to immure yourself, and not be continually disappointed - instead, be pleased for the T2s - in order for YOU to survive, TBH.

I think it's fab, because the Salk Institute were the people who 'invented' the Polio vaccine - and that was a MUCH more horrible thing to have then Type 1. So many people died of it, let along being crippled - Iron Lungs. Dreadful, dreadful disease. So they do have a very excellent pedigree.

Besides which - there is not exactly an epidemic of T1, swamping the NHS and every other health service in the world.

But if it only cures those who have eaten themselves into diabetes, it's use is going to be limited ! OTOH if it correct Insulin Resistance this is excellent news for all Type 2s, even if it doesn't actually cure them - it should help no end - and make it a much more easily MANAGED condition, won't it?

Plus another point you know Redkite - if it works, think of the number of Diabetes Nurses and Consultants WE will have at our disposal - and maybe the race really will be on for the Unis and drugs companies to find US a magic bullet?
Trophywench, I would be very happy for the type 2's if this turned out to be a good treatment (my Mum is type 2) - I just thought the headline was bad, making it sound like one jab and you're diabetes-free!
If that really happened Redkite, methinks there would be a Newsflash on all TV stations - like when someone important pops their clogs - not the Institute having to do the publicity !
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