One in five CCG board members have potential conflict of interest

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Exclusive: More than one in five CCG board members have financial interests in private healthcare providers exposing them to multiple possible conflicts of interest when commissioning services from next April, a Pulse investigation has uncovered.

The analysis of nearly 900 CCG board members? registered interests shows that 23% are directors, owners, partners or shareholders in private healthcare providers, or have a family member with an interest in a private healthcare provider.

The figures ignited a row over how CCG board members should tackle potential conflicts of interest, with the Government?s commissioning tsar to suggesting current guidelines were inadequate and board members with problematic financial interests should consider stepping down from their positions.

The call goes much further than NHS Commissioning Board?s rules - backed by the BMA - that specifiy that CCG boards must have a publicly available register of interests and that CCG board members to exclude themselves from any decisions where they may have a ?material interest?.

(free registration required)
Phew, that's gonna be hard, cos most of the GP practices round here have diagnostic services open to be used by other GPs as well as their own patients - phlebotomy and diagnostic ultra-sound scanning - preg and otherwise - at ours.

And will they start a Patient Panel? - will they hell.
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