One for the Ladies - Itching

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hope it's OK for me to post here?

I am sure at some stage, some, if not all of you ladies have experienced some itching 'down below; when your sugar levels have been high / uncontrolled etc? I'm afraid with the excessives of Xmas, I am now paying for it, with high sugar levels, which mean when I go for a wee, it's making it very sore and very itchy 'down below' 😱

I know it's not thrush, coz it's only external. It is improving as my diet is, but still need some help!

What do you use, when you get this? Caneastan Cream?

Thanks in advance
Hi its a night mare is'nt it. I use Vagisil it is a cream, or you can buy wash. It can be bought from supper markets. Docs say not to use scented soaps on the area because it irratates the area. Hope you are soon comfy.
Hiya - I have the same on the odd occasion although as I am only testing using Daistix at this moment I dont know if it's as a result of the BG's or not. However, (and excuse me for saying this) but I find it helps if I keep my hair nice and short - and do slap on some canesten or even natural yoghurt as this cools the area. I know its not the weather for it at the moment but I also find that 'going without' can help!
Hi. although im new to diabetes im not new to this problem! Before I was diagnosed I had it for 2 months constant!!!
I use canesten HC, has hydrocortisone in it which has always helped for me.
I also make sure my shower gel is unscented and pH neutral. No bubble bath :(. Non bio washin powder as well.
Hope u get sorted soon. xx
I use canestan and avoid anything tight fitting. Also avoid anything perfumed in bath. If needed baby products or simple soap get you clean.

I find it helps to wash on a regular basis and drink plenty of plain water. Avoid anything with caffine and anything too acidic. Not so easy is to avoid yeast products (bread, buns, beer, marmite) for a short time.

Hope you are itching less...
probably suagr in urine

The problem is probably caused by sugar in urine. Best solution is the simplest - wash off with clean water. As the amount of sugar in your urine gets under control, the itching will ease.

If it is thrush / fungal problem, then you will need antifungal medication, but I note you've said it isn't. However, if antifungal medication helps, then that suggests that a fungal infection is part of the problem. I'd be reluctant to use anything with steroids until you are sure the cause of the problem.

Plus, loose cotton pants can be more comfortable - even boxer shorts, and just a nightshirt or naked )and a thick duvet!) for bed.
I've also had this problem from time to time, and like most other ladies have tried almost everthing, but I normally use canestan.

My practice nurse also recommeds the really old fashioned "Salt Bath". A few good handfulls of salt in a warm bath and a good long soak - found it helps. I try and take a "salt" only bath at least once a month.
It is amazing the benefits of warm salt water, I use it if anyone has a sceptic spot until we get to the doctors. Often if it happens on a Friday and it is not bad enough to need treating sooner, it has cleared up before we even seek medical advice! If it gets worse or keeps comming back we then get advice and if needed antibiotics or whatever.
Hello, Yogurt on a tampon is good and lavender in the bath kills any bad stuff down there and is relaxing, although is sometimes not recommened for diabetics, i have never had a problem with it.
I find cutting out fruit juice helps.
I hardly get it that much now but i would get it all the time a few months ago i am not sure what made it stop. but thank god it did, makes it so hard to do anything because its to sore and annoying to thinbk about other things.
Sometimes it can be caused by allergy or stress, not just diabetes. Its a product of our modern lifestyles. Sadly.
Wow - thank you so much for all your helpful replies!
I bought some Caneastan cream from Boots last night and all I can say is....Aaaahhhhh.......Bliss!!! Much improved!
I think the combination of that and a better diet are definitly helping!
Thanks again!
whenever i get the itches i use canasten cream, but i always make sure i wear cotton underwear (at least 95% cotton) and always use unperfumed soap and i find this helps
It's not just limited to the ladies either I'm afraid. I've had problems for over a year and needed to see a Urologist who blithely smiled and told me it was diabetes related - and that I needed a circumsicion 😱

Apparently I need to go in for an overnight stay as I'm diabetic :confused: I was also told that complications had possibly lead to pre-cancerous cells. Apart from that, it's fine!


I was told that I had probably high sugar for such a lengthy time that constantly peeing out sugar and being unmedicated as not diagnosed had caused problems.

So, in answer to your post, yes definitely experienced problems! Caneston provides some relief, but, sadly the relief waxes and wains.
clotrimazole / Canestan cream

Canestan is the best known trade name for cream containing the active ingredient clotrimazole 1%. There are many cheaper versions eg produced by chemists such as Co-Op, Boots etc. It can be prescribed, but it's pretty cheap (less than ?2 a tube last time I bought any - for athletes foot, by the way) from a pharmacy only. By the way, the cream may damage latex, such as used in barrier contraception methods, so that might need consideration...
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Hi Punkyfairy,

Oh yes, have always worn cotton undies!

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your post

Is comforting to know that this 'problem' isn't only restricted to us ladies! Sorry to hear you've had problems in that dept too though

I think the keeping you in overnight due to Diabetes is the norm and a wise precaution - although not a pleasant prospect, if you have a dislike of hospitals!

I am very anti meds, for anything, so have managed to avoid them so far - I find that when I'm good, i.e. eating what I should be eating, and exercising, my numbers are very good, it's only when I'm a naughty girl, they go high, (like now!). If I was being good and they were still high, then I would consider meds!

Thankfully the Caneastan seems to have really helped me, so far anyway!
Hi Copepod,

You must have posted at same time as me!
Thanks for your info. Will consider that if i have to buy anymore creams!
Am happy to say that contraception is something I haven't had to bother with for a few years now, so no worries on that score! 😉
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