One dead pump :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sods law springs to mind, pump started making awful noise this afternoon and finally gave a death wail at 5.15pm. Had rung animas and told them there was a problem. So gets a call just after 5pm to say the deliveries for tomorrow had gone out so will have to wait until Weds for a replacement 😡

Lucky for me I have my old pump still so set that up and happy pumping with that now. Only downside is no CGM :(
Typical! Why do things never go wrong at a more convenient time?! Glad you've got a spare pump to fall back on in the meantime - we'd have to fall back on injections if the worst came to the worst. Any idea what went wrong with your pump?
Oh no! Hope the new pump arrives asap.🙂
Typical! Why do things never go wrong at a more convenient time?! Glad you've got a spare pump to fall back on in the meantime - we'd have to fall back on injections if the worst came to the worst. Any idea what went wrong with your pump?

I've no idea what went wrong, I just heard this very loud pulsating noise as if it was delivering insulin so obviously disconnected. There was no delivery though which was lucky 😱 On putting the pump to my ear I could hear the motor making a lot of noise as if it was rewinding. So rang Animas who said not to use it and a new one would be sent out to me. A little while later the alarms went off to tell me I had a malfunction.
So took the battery out and left the pump on the side ready for collection. Put the battery in a couple of hours later and it's working again so now have cgm working but don't trust the pump so it's not connected. Cozmo is doing a sterling job though.
The motor went berserk after a couple of years in mine Sue - the rewind mechanism was working and wouldn't stop, though the plunger never actually moved and it sounded really awful - a grinding noise instead of a loudish whirring noise. I had taken the battery out to stop it, on the phone the rep asked me to stick it back in and put it next to the phone receiver which I did.

He instantly replied NOOOOOO - that isn't right! and they sent me a new one.
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